Cyberpunk 2077: 10 Best Skills In The Technical Tree | Game Rant

Technical Ability is one of the standout attributes in Cyberpunk 2077This skill tree allows players to pass a variety of skill checks in the game such as opening doors and hacking. Mainly focusing on the player’s mechanical knowledge and crafting skills, this tree is broken up into two categories: crafting and engineering.

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This attribute also comes with some great benefits like additional conversation topics, the ability to use tech weapons effectively, and an increase in armor with each point. There is no doubt that this attribute has some great benefits.

10 Can’t Touch This

One of the most annoying things to deal with is getting caught in your own grenade. Throw it too short and the player will be caught in the blast and deal some serious damage to themselves.

This is terrible when considering all the harmful effects, like fire and shock, these grenades have. The Can’t Touch This perk eliminates the possibility of the player getting caught in the blast of their grenades so they can go running in without worry.

9 Superconductor

Like the player character, enemies have armor that protects them from damage and lessens the blow. Sure, the Technical Ability tree has a huge focus on crafting, but it can also be extremely useful in combat.

This perk makes it so all tech weapons the player uses ignore enemy armor and hit them right where it hurts. This perk is extremely helpful when dealing with those tougher enemies and is recommended to get as soon as possible if the Technical Ability attribute is what the player is going for.

8 Blast Shielding

Grenades are a real pain and some enemies throw them out like candy during Halloween. Too many times have players been caught in an area where multiple grenades are going off and they have nowhere to hide.

The Blast Shielding perk tries to lessen the worry of that scenario by decreasing the damage from enemy grenades by 10%. This perk can also be bought multiple times which can increase that damage reduction by up to thirty percent.

7 Crazy Science

There isn’t much that money can’t buy. In Cyberpunk 2077, a player can outfit their character with items from the local stores and still be effective on the battlefield. In order to buy these items, however, players will need cash. The Crazy Science perk helps get some more cash in the player’s pockets by increasing the selling price of all their crafted items by 10%.

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This is also increased by one percent per perk level. This can really help fund the player’s needs in Night City.

6 Cost Optimization

The Cost Optimization perk is more useful than players realize. This perk decreases the component cost of crafting items by fifteen percent. Buying this perk a second time reduces the cost by thirty percent. This is great for getting some good gear at cheaper prices, but it can also be used in a glitch to get the player tons of money.

Essentially, players can use this perk and another to get more components out of the items they craft than they put in. This makes it so they can get tons of money from selling crafting components.

5 Edgerunner Artisan

Legendary gear is the best available. It’s what every player hopes to find and equip onto their character. Why go looking for it when it can be crafted? The Edgerunner Artisan perk allows players to craft legendary gear instead of hunting it down like the normal person.

If Technical Ability is a player’s game, this perk is a must in the tree. Of course, players will also want to grab the perks leading up to this one since it takes a while to access. Keep it in mind whenever the level is reached though.

4 Ex Nihilo

Crafting is a pain sometimes. Collecting materials can take a while, and they are just then all tossed away so the player can get the item they want to craft. Ex Nihilo gives players a chance to craft that item for free.

The chance is only 20%, but that is far better than zero. Crafty players will want to grab up this perk so they don’t waste all of their hard-earned crafting components.

3 Shrapnel

Grenades are fun to use. They are easily found and can deal a ton of damage to enemies caught in the blast. There are also multiple types of grenades so players have something for every situation. This perk makes grenades even better by adding an additional twenty damage to them that is non-elemental.

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This perk is great to grab for players who love using grenades. It can also be made a little better by adding the Grenadier perk which lets players see the blast radius of their grenades.

2 Bigger Booms

Speaking of grenades and dealing more damage, the Bigger Booms perk is an essential perk to grab for anyone who loves using grenades. Any player can be the grenadier they were born to be.

This perk helps with that by increasing grenade damage by an additional five percent. If that isn’t enough, players can buy this perk up to five times. When it’s maxed out, players will be dealing 25% more damage with their grenades.

1 Revamp

Here is a perk that every tech weapon user should grab. Revamp increases the damage of all tech weapons by 25%, but that’s not all. It also increases the charge damage of chargeable weapons by an additional 10%.

To top it all off, it also increases this damage by an additional 1% per perk level. The only downside of the perk is that it takes a while to unlock, but once that is done, players can deal some serious damage with tech weapons.

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