EVE Online Players Put Record-Breaking War on Hold for the Holidays

EVE Online is one of the more complicated MMOs out there. With many facets of the game being run by the EVE Online community, players can form huge factions, control solar systems, and wage war against others all from the comfort of their chosen spaceship. Recently, the largest factions in EVE Online have called a holiday truce in their ongoing war to let players focus on their families for a while.

Recently, leaders of each side in the current large-scale EVE Online war have begun planning a ceasefire for the holidays, according to Kotaku. In a re-enactment of the 1914 Christmas ceasefire during World War One, both sides seem to have agreed to halt any offensive attacks and give their members a break from the constant warfare, that way they can focus on their families.

RELATED: EVE Online Players Are Starting a Huge War

The two factions involved in the war, the TEST Alliance and the Goonswarn Federation, have been fighting for their survival for six months. In that time, they have set two Guinness World records for largest PVP battles in video game history, and have been at each other constantly.

Large battles in EVE Online will typically take hours and require constant focus and action to avoid losing one’s ship to enemy damage. With constant attacks coming in back and forth, players have reportedly begun to wear down from the stress of constantly be on-call.

An attack on a stronghold starts a timer to give defenders a chance to plan for their battle. Orders have been sent out to make sure no attack timers start on December 22 or 23, and the ceasefire will last over December 24 and 25. In addition to this, the sides have stated that their members will not be required to log in during this time.

As EVE Online players inch closer to the ceasefire date, it remains to be seen whether this truce will be used to gain an advantage for any one side. Neither faction has ruled out fighting completely, as defensive measures will be taken against any attacks. While the potential remains for players to abuse the truce, it may still end up giving players a much-needed break from their war over the holiday.

While the game may seem daunting for new players, it still offers an expansive exploration experience. This possible truce may allow some of the smaller fish some breathing room to explore the systems controlled by these two warring factions.

EVE Online is available now on PC.

MORE: EVE Online Sets Record For Biggest PvP Battle in History

Source: Kotaku


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