Skyrim: 10 Tips To Get Off To A Good Start As A Beginner

It goes without saying that The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is one of the most legendary games of all time, and one need only look at its legacy to understand why this is the case. Bethesda Studios definitely met the hype — and more — after releasing a title that is widely considered by many to be one of the greatest open-world games of all time.

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The game has been released on pretty much every system imaginable, so more and more gamers are able to try out a game that has attained such critical and commercial acclaim over the past decade. That being said, people who are just trying out an Elder Scrolls game could possibly be overwhelmed with the sheer number of options at their disposal. So, keeping this in mind, here are a few tips for these beginners, so that their start isn’t all that rocky.

The first and foremost thing to be noted in Skyrim is that the player can take and sell pretty much anything at their disposal. Near the start of the game when money is a pressing requirement, it becomes imperative to abuse this system and clear out merchants so that monetary problems don’t come in the way of the player’s enjoyment.

Whether this is done by looting bandit caves or stealing from innocents, rest assured that the end result will more than make up for the moral ramifications of the player’s actions.

That being said, raiding and stealing can only be done to an extent — after a point, the player needs to ensure that they don’t end up falling prey to their own greed.

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A great example of this are the Giants in Skyrim — while it might seem tantalizing to take on these massive enemies and loot everything that they possess, keep in mind that lower-level players will be wiped out in one shot from these imposing foes.

Thankfully, not every combat encounter needs to be faced head-on — a player who wants to be silent but deadly can do the same by abusing Skyrim‘s stealth system.

The fact that most people end up becoming a stealth archer a few hours into their playthrough is a meme for all the right reasons — it’s just way easier to wipe out scores of enemies without even revealing oneself.

That being said, being a stealth archer isn’t the only skill that should be at a player’s disposal. Skyrim‘s combat isn’t exactly its most engaging part, so players should definitely try to maximize their fun by utilizing everything in their arsenal.

Whether it be in the form of dual-wielding weapons or using a mix of magic and melee, rest assured that there’s enough diversity in Skyrim to satisfy fans who are extremely hard to please when it comes to this department.

While one might argue that exploring Skyrim early on might not be the greatest idea in the world, the fact of the matter is that it’s only by doing this that the player will actually grow and fall in love with Skyrim.

Even if there is anything in the world that is level-gated, rest assured that the player will have ample time to come back to these spots and discover what they couldn’t before.

That being said, there are times when walking around the map can prove to be quite boring after a while.

Thankfully, this boredom can be averted by using the fast travel mechanic to quicken the pace of any main or side quests that the player might be in the middle of. Just remember that Skyrim is still a game that focuses on exploration, and abusing the fast travel mechanic can definitely take away from the overall experience.

Potions are the unsung hero of Skyrim, with a ton of useful benefits coming from glugging down one of these concoctions.

While players might be more than familiar with the restorative Potions, one shouldn’t ignore the wealth of other potions that can help turn the tide of battle or get rid of any other pesky blockades in the player’s way.

As is the case with any RPG, the loot that the player gets can prove to be infinitely valuable in the world of Skyrim, especially when it comes to improving their chances of surviving a particularly tough encounter.

So, it only goes without saying that players should ideally ensure that they never fall behind the equipment curve and are always decked out for any possible situation. Aside from improving one’s defenses, it’s also true that the player would certainly look way cooler with upgraded pieces of equipment as well.

A big part of what makes Skyrim so special is the sheer number of quests the player can get lost in. So, it only goes without saying that the main quest — while important — should not be the priority all the time.

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This is why it’s important for players to discover as many side quests as possible to freshen up the overall experience and make it actually seem like they’re adventuring across these Nordic lands.

But of course, it would be impossible to talk about Skyrim without mentioning the whole host of mods that elevate the overall experience to quite an extent.

That being said, keep in mind that some mods can certainly end up changing the overall game just a tad too much for most people’s liking. So, if the player is trying out Skyrim for the first time, then it’s imperative to not completely fall off the deep end and download so many mods that the entire game becomes utterly unrecognizable from what it used to be.

NEXT: Crazy Skyrim Rumors That Turned Out To Actually Be True


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