Skyrim: The 10 Strongest Warriors, According To Lore | Game Rant

Tamriel has many legendary figures in its rich history. Many people from all races in Tamriel have fought countless battles and wars, but only the strongest have changed the world and become legends. Some are known for being honorable and heroic. Others are known for their cruelty and conquering those weaker than them.

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While most of history has been heavily shaped by mages or other magical beings, there have been a few that have shaped history with the power of their blade. These are the warriors who mostly rely on their physical strength to make their names known in Tamriel’s history.

10 Ysgramor

A warrior from the land of Atmora. Ysgramor left his homeland when it was in civil war and landed in Skyrim with other settlers. At the time, the Snow Elves lived in Skyrim and let Ysgramor and his comrades settle in their land as long they lived in peace. However, once the Snow Elves saw that the human population would continue to grow, they felt threatened. They attacked the human settlement of Saarthal and slaughtered almost every human. Ysgramor survived the attack and went back to his homeland of Atmora to gather warriors to get revenge on the Snow Elves.

He gathered 500 warriors and together they set sail back to Skyrim. He led the 500 Companions and they defeated the Snow Elves and became the ruling race of Skyrim. After this war, Ysgramor and the Companions fought another war against the giants and came out victorious.

9 Gaiden Shinji

A name that might sound familiar to The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion fans. Gaiden Shinji is a Redguard warrior that was a leader of the Order of Diagna, a group of knights in Hammerfell. He led the Order along with the Bretons in a 30 year war against the Orcs in what is known as the Siege of Orsinium. During the siege of Second Orsinium, he died while fighting Baloth Bloodtusk, an Orc leader.

During his life, he was the founder and first Blademaster of the Imperial City Arena. Many warriors that fight in the Arena consider him a legendary hero.

8 Pelinal Whitestrake

Known as “The Divine Crusader.” Pelinal Whitestrake was a warrior, sorcerer, and a crusader that fought alongside the Slave-queen, Alessia. He appeared in the Merethic Era and fought against the Ayleids before Alessia’s rebellion. When he heard about her, he offered to fight alongside her and fought many Ayleid armies.

He is most known for his rivalry with Umaril the Unfeathered, an Ayleid demigod. Umaril knew of Pelinal’s strength and sent his armies to fight him in order to weaken him. After this, Umaril and Pelinal clashed, equally matched and injuring each other severely. Pelinial managed to come out victorious in this battle, but was slain by the remaining Ayleid kings. His ghost helped the Hero of Kvatch defeat his rival Umaril once and for all during The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

7 Indoril Nerevar

Champion of the Daedric Prince Azura and leader of the Chimer (ancient Dark Elves/Dunmer). Indoril helped create the First Council, an alliance between the Chimer and the Dwemer. Shortly after this alliance, the Chimer and Dwemer were at war with each other with Indoril leading the Chimer. During the Battle of Red Mountain, Indoril died after fighting against Dumac and Dagoth Ur. Though there are some accounts that claim he died because The Tribunal, Indoril’s wife and friends, killed him.

After cursing the Chimer, the Daedric Prince Azura swore that Indoril Nerevar would be reborn and makes things right. The events of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind followed Indoril’s reincarnation, the Nerevarine. During the events of Morrowind, the Nerevarine fought against Indoril’s old enemy, Dagoth Ur and defeated him.

6 Red Eagle

A Reachman that was destined to be a great warrior and leader who unite all of The Reach clans. Red Eagle accomplished this, but was threatened by Empress Hestra of Cyrodiil when her armies invaded The Reach. While Red Eagle refused to fall under the her banners, Hestra either had the old kings of The Reach executed or bribed them. Those who survived casted out Red Eagle when he refused to yield to her. Despite this, Red Eagle had a strong influence over his people and continued to fight the Imperial Legion.

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After becoming one of the first known Briarhearts, he grew stronger and managed to drive the Imperial Legion out of The Reach for a short time. Empress Hestra came back with a stronger army and laid siege to Red Eagle’s stronghold for two weeks. Red Eagle emerged after this and was said to have slayed a thousand Imperial Legion soldiers by himself before he was killed.

5 Gormlaith Golden-Hilt

An ancient Nord hero that helped overthrow the dragons during the Dragon War in the first era. Gormalith Golden-Hilt was a warrior who was able to use the Thu’um, which she learned from the dragon, Paarthurnax. She created the Dragonrend shout along with her comrades, Hakon One-Eye and Felldir the Old, in order to fight Alduin the World-Eater. On the day they fought Alduin, Gormlaith single-handedly took out four dragons. Using the Dragonrend shout along with her comrades, they confronted Alduin. Gormlaith was killed by Alduin in battle which forced her comrades to use an Elder Scroll to temporarily stop him.

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She was able to get revenge during the events in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and helped the Last Dragonborn defeat Alduin in Sovngarde, the Nord afterlife. This victory would inspire the song Tale of the Tongues sung by bards, marking its importance in Skyrim history.

4 Frandar Hunding

A Redguard Sword-Singer that earned the rank of Ansei, which only are given to the best. Frandar Hunding has fought and won over 90 duels that he was considered nearly invincible with a sword. Because he had such mastery with a sword, he stopped using them and created a new technique. This became known as the Shehai or “Way of the Spirit Sword.” With the Shehai, Frandar was able to create a sword from pure thought or willpower. Many Sword-Singers would aspire to achieve this level of mastery, including his son, Divad Hunding.

3 Ysmir Wulfharth

An ancient king of Skyrim. Wulfharth has been resurrected many times throughout Tamrielic history. A user of the Thu’um, it was said that his voice was so powerful that he couldn’t take an oath required of him to become king. During his rule in Skyrim, he rid the land of the Direnni and fought the eastern Orcs, killing their leader with a shout. It was after this that the Orcish god, Orkey, summoned the ghost of Alduin the World-Eater and turned the Nords into children. Wulfharth summoned the ghost of Shor, also known as Lorkhan the Spirit of Nirn, and restored them, but doing so aged him greatly and died.

Wulfharth was resurrected many times after this and fought in some important battles in Tamrielic history. He assisted Tiber Septim in his conquering of Tamriel, but left when he signed a treaty with the Dumner, whom Wulfharth despised. Septim planned on using the Brass God, the Numidium to conquer Tamriel, but needed a heart to power it. He learned that Wulfharth held the Heart of Shor within him. Septim and his Imperial Battlemage, Zurin Arctus tricked him into returning and was killed by Arctus. He managed to kill Arctus and their souls were transferred into the Mantella. It is said that either he or Arctus became the Underking, or is a combination of both their souls.

2 Haknir Death-Brand

Known as the King of Ghosts. Haknir Death-Brand was a legendary pirate king that ruled the Sea of Ghosts during his life. He was considered a fearsome warrior and had violent tempers that he was feared among his own crew. It was stated that he loved torturing his victims and would kill anyone for its own sake. It was also said that he had an unnaturally long life and some believe that he made a pact with the Daedric Prince of Destruction and Ambition, Mehrunes Dagon to prolong it, but there is no actual proof of this.

At the end of his life, Haknir didn’t believe any of his crew was worthy of his treasure and placed a cursed on them along with his swords, his legendary armor, and ship. This curse would last even after his death and only someone who could best him in combat would be worthy of his treasure.

1 King Laloriaran Dynar

The last known Ayleid king. King Laloriaran lived during the first and seconds eras of Tamrielic history. He grew up in the city of Nenalata and survived the Alessian Slave Rebellion as a child. Though the Ayleids and the Alessian Order were at odds were each other after this, Laloriaran sought to maintain peace while he was king of his city. He and his people were eventually forced out of Nenalata and he led his people to High Rock for sanctuary. He and his people would live in peace for a few years until he was forced into battle once again. King Laloriaran helped fight against the Alessians and proved to be a valuable asset with his battle tactics.

He and his people would return to their home of Nenalata after the war, but wouldn’t live in peace for long. The Daedric Prince of Domination, Molag Bal attacked when they did. The Daedric Prince of Life, Meridia, teleported them to Bal’s plane of Oblivion, Coldharbour as a means to keep them temporarily safe. Laloriaran was captured by Bal’s minions and held prisoner for a millennia before being freed. He went back into battle against Molag Bal’s forces in Coldharbour and died shortly after the battle was won. His life is documented in the book The Last King of the Ayleids found in a few Elder Scrolls games.

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