During the course of Cyberpunk 2077‘s campaign, players will encounter the potential love interests for the main character, V. Two of them, including Kerry Eurodyne, however, are introduced in side jobs and thus can be easily missed. Here are the details on how to meet and kindle a relationship with Kerry in Cyberpunk 2077.
Kerry is perhaps the most easily missed given that he does not appear until Act 3 of the game, after V is given the point of no return mission. Anyone just playing through the story content will likely miss Kerry altogether. Kerry is also the gay male romance option so anyone hoping to romance him needs to be playing as a V who is a male.
Players will meet Kerry during the course of the campaign in flashback sequences, but in order to encounter him in the present, players must first help out Rogue and Johnny. Upon entering Act 3 of the game, players will be given the quest Chippin’ In. This is the quest that will put players on the path to meeting Kerry. Upon completion of this quest, the quest Blistering Love or Holdin’ On will be added to quest list. Which one will be given out will depend on how Chippin’ In ended. If the player was given Blistering Love, then it needs to be completed to move on to Holdin’ On. Holdin’ On will be the first quest that involves Kerry as Johnny will bring V to Kerry’s house because he wants to talk to him. At the end of this quest, Kerry and Johnny will decide to contact their old band mates.
V is tasked with meeting up with Nancy in the quest Second Conflict which is acquired immediately after finishing Holdin’ On. Upon completion of Second Conflict, players will have to wait around an in-game day to receive a call from Nancy to start the next relevant quest, A Like Supreme. It is after this quest that the band storyline concludes and Kerry’s personal quests become available. None of the dialogue choices made in any of the quests mentioned up until this point matter in terms of the Kerry romance. They just need to be completed successfully.

Upon completion of A Like Supreme and the passing of about 12 hours, Kerry will call V to initiate the quest Rebel! Rebel! While this is the first quest to involve just Kerry, the dialogue choices made during this quest do not affect the romance with Kerry. Likewise, the subsequent quest given after completion of Rebel! Rebel! and the passing several in game hours, I Don’t Want to Hear It, doesn’t have any dialogue options that affect the romance. However, if the situation in the quest is not resolved diplomatically, there is some content that will be missing from the following quest.
After about another 12 hours, Kerry will call V again to initiate the quest Off the Leash, which is the first quest to have romance relevant dialogue options. This is a dialogue focused quest and eventually Kerry will take V up to a balcony to talk. During this conversation, choose the flirtatious options and kiss Kerry when given the option. After another 24 hours, Kerry’s final quest Boat Drinks will be given to V. This is another combat-free quest and it is recommended that these dialogue choices be taken during it:
- “Ahoy back atcha.”
- “What’s this all about?”
- “I’ll bite. Tell me about the loops.”
- “And you need company for that?”
- “Epiphany? Sounds more like maturity.”
- “[Stand] Let’s play!”
- “Let’s rip the whole f*****’ boat apart.”
- “[Kiss]”
- “[Hug] Pencil me in.”
If the player declines to help Kerry during the middle of this quest, Johnny will advise that V help in which case the player is given the choice again. If this option is chosen, V can still sleep with Kerry, but it’s unclear if it affects the romance in the long term. With the completion of Boat Drinks, and the correct chosen dialogue options, the romance between V and Kerry will be established.
Cyberpunk 2077 is available on PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One, and later on PS5 and Xbox Series X.
Source: Cyberpunk Wiki

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