Horror Game Sons of the Forest Gets Terrifying New Trailer

In 2018, Endnight debuted its open-world survival horror game, The Forest. Lauded for its unique blend of genres, it’s considered by many to be one of the best horror games that year. Now Endnight is getting ready to do it again, having just released a new trailer for the upcoming Sons of the Forest.

The new trailer offers a much clearer look at the gameplay than the one from last year. The unique blend of crafting survival and survival horror returns, as the player divides their time between gathering, crafting, and fending off the strange horrors that call the wilderness home.

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As with the one from 2019, the new trailer begins with the protagonist surviving a helicopter crash. The first game opened similarly, with the main characters escaping a plane crash. However, the sequel’s protagonist is sporting a lot more military hardware than the first game’s Eric and Timmy. One assumes that they were looking for the mutants this time. Either way, the new protagonist definitely seems to have stumbled upon more than they bargained for. Hopefully, the sequel continues its predecessor’s legacy by being a terrifying horror game.

While the 2019 trailer showcased a few unusual beings, the new trailer offers a much wider showcase of the creatures inhabiting Sons of the Forest. The six-limbed woman returns in two scenes, suggesting she may be an important character in the upcoming game. The first game’s cannibal Mutants also seem to be making a return in Sons of the Forest. Only now they’re led by intimidating warriors in golden masks. But the trailer saves its most disturbing creatures until the end.

The survival crafting mechanics are on full display, as the player collects wood both for warmth and construction materials. The Forest allowed players to cut down every tree in the game if they felt like it, and it looks like that will be returning in the sequel. And they need to be ready to defend whatever they build, as the trailer showcases. It seems that Sons of the Forest will also be introducing a disguise mechanic. In one scene, the PC dons a mask to blend in.

One easy to miss detail appears at the trailer’s 37-second mark. Here, a wounded mutant can be seen crawling backward as the player character approaches with a gun. This suggests it may be possible to intimidate enemies into backing down and shows that Sons of the Forest continues the previous game’s effort to humanizing the enemies. Mutants in The Forest often seemed more afraid than angry. They also displayed concern both for their survival and that of their tribesmen. It’s one of the main ways the first game broke from the survival horror mold, so it’s good to see that dynamic returning in Sons of the Forest.

Sons of the Forest releases in 2021.

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