The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim: 10 NPCs With Hidden Agendas

The return of the dragons isn’t the only thing the player needs to worry about in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. A diverse population inhabits the frigid land and not everybody is honest about what they seek to achieve. Many simply wish to use the Dragonborn as a tool to further their own ends.

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Whether it’s a faction, a mysterious cult, or a single individual, the Dragonborn is left with the choice of who to help and who to ignore. Not everyone is what they seem on the surface. These select individuals certainly hold a secret or two when the player crosses their paths.

10 Calixto Corrium

After a few visits to Windhelm it becomes apparent that the city is plagued by a nocturnal serial killer. Young women are routinely murdered in a gruesome fashion and the guards task the Dragonborn with solving the mystery. One unlikely suspect is Calixto Corrium, a museum owner who specializes in the preservation of certain historical oddities.

He is a friendly and helpful sort, but upon further inspection it’s revealed that the curator holds a dark backstory. In an attempt to resurrect his dead sister, Calixto has been murdering the female citizens of Windhelm and harvesting their remains. It’s all part of a macabre ritual to bring his dearly-departed sister back to life using necromancy.

9 Silus Vesuius

Yet another shifty museum owner, Silus Vesuius operates a shrine to the Mythic Dawn inside his home in Dawnstar. He claims one of his ancestors was one of the assassins who murdered Uriel Septim VII. Silus’ goal is to memorialize what he sees as a proud family legacy.

However, when Silus contracts the Dragonborn with recovering the pieces of Mehrunes Dagon’s Razor, it’s revealed that his motivations go beyond antique collecting. He seeks to repair the Razor in an attempt to contact the Lord of Destruction himself. It’s up to the player to decide the fate of the foolhardy historian once his endeavors are finally realized.

8 Gorm

Gorm is a Nord housecarl in the service of Idgrod Ravencrone, the Jarl of Morthal. When the player approaches the Jarl for the first time it’s clear that Gorm is fiercely protective of her. By all accounts he is a loyal and dedicated bodyguard.

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Or is he? When spoken to privately Gorm will reveal a different side to himself that isn’t altogether dutiful. He implores the Dragonborn to deliver a letter to Captain Aldis in Solitude that, when read, exposes his duplicity. Gorm seeks to overthrow the Jarl, who he regards as too superstitious to lead effectively, by any means necessary.

7 Thonar Silver-Blood

The Silver-Blood family of Markarth is one of the most rich and powerful clans in Skyrim. The patriarch, Thonar Silver-Blood, is the power behind the throne in the Reach. His business empire is maintained through a mixture of fear and intimidation. Few people want to risk being thrown into the fearsome Cidhna Mine, a prison in which no one escapes.

But Thonar’s illicit business practices run even deeper. What few people realize is that he controls the leader of the savage Forsworn, Madanach, who is safely tucked away in Cidhna Mine. The imprisoned terrorist is used as a tool to dispose of Thonar’s enemies. It’s a secret that the inhabitants of the Reach would not take kindly if the truth ever got out.

6 Ancano

The presence of the Thalmor is unmistakable in Skyrim. Their agents are seemingly everywhere making sure the denizens of the northern province follow the laws of the White-Gold Concordat. Ancano, an insufferably arrogant ambassador to the College of Winterhold, is no exception.

His presence at the College, ostensibly as an advisor to the Arch-Mage, soon gives way to something more sinister. When the Eye of Magnus is kept for safekeeping at the College, Ancano enacts a power-play to harness the orb’s awesome energy for himself. His quest for ultimate power eventually leads to his downfall.

5 Erandur

The townspeople of Dawnstar are terrorized by ghastly nightmares whenever they try to sleep. Erandur, a kindly priest of the goddess Mara, offers his aid to end the town’s suffering. He enlists the Dragonborn’s help in eradicating the source of the nightmares in an old fort outside Dawnstar.

It’s learned that the nightmares are a result of the Skull of Corruption, a Daedric artifact that belongs to Vaermina. Erandur’s extensive knowledge of the proceedings is due to his former life as a follower of the Daedric Prince. He seeks to atone for his past actions by destroying the evil influence that now taints the land.

4 Alva

Scurrilous gossip swirls around the town of Morthal. The Dragonborn learns that Alva, a fetching Nord woman, has recently moved in with a widower who recently lost his wife and child in a tragic fire. The rumor is that the widower, Hroggar, purposely murdered his family in order to be with Alva.

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However, the truth is much more complicated. It turns out that Alva is actually a vampire and has hypnotized Hroggar into doing her bidding. She seeks to take over the town by seducing the guards one by one and using the remaining townsfolk as a source of nourishment. The mastermind of the plot, an ancient vampire named Movarth, directs Alva from behind the scenes.

3 Jaree-Ra

When wandering the streets of Solitude the player may come across a sneaky Argonian named Jaree-Ra. He lets the Dragonborn in on a little secret that involves the sabotaging of a trading ship filled with riches. In return for the player’s help, Jaree-Ra promises to share the loot once the ship is captured.

Once the Dragonborn fulfills his end of the bargain it becomes clear that the whole endeavor was a double-cross from the very beginning. The greedy Jaree-Ra has no intentions of sharing the treasure with the player and attempts to have him murdered instead. Nevertheless, the Dragonborn manages to turn the tables on the treacherous betrayer in the end.

2 Mercer Frey

Mercer Frey is the leader of the Thieves Guild in Skyrim. His tenure as Guild Master has been an unlucky one as the organization has been in bad shape for quite some time. As the Dragonborn rises through the ranks of the guild the source of the misfortune is discovered.

It’s revealed that the ambitious Frey actually murdered the previous Guild Master in cold blood and blamed it on a fellow thief. After that, Mercer took over leadership of the Thieves Guild and planned to enrich himself to the fullest extent possible. He stole the Skeleton Key of Nocturnal, a powerful Daedric Prince, who retaliated by rendering the guild nearly impotent with bad luck.

1 Sybille Stentor

Sybille Stentor serves as the Solitude Court Wizard, advising the Jarl on all matters related to magic. She has maintained her position for many years, serving at the feet of High King Torygg as well as his father before him. Throughout the decades she has managed to retain her youthful appearance.

She tasks the player with clearing out a vampire nest whose presence threatens the city. Through dialogue it’s evident she holds a special hatred for the bloodsuckers. However, her youthful features, slightly glowing eyes, and seeming hatred for vampires implies that she is a vampire herself. The act of eradicating members of her own kind is likely just a cover to help preserve her own dirty secret.

NEXT: Skyrim: 10 Secrets & Subtleties You Never Noticed


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