5 Things That Make No Sense About Bugsnax (& 5 Fan Theories That Do)

No amount of colorful scenery and cute character design could hide the deep dark secrets Snaktooth Island had in store for fans and unsuspecting grumpuses. Right from Bugsnax’s reveal, it caught everyone’s attention; but players weren’t quite fooled. This adorable game wasn’t as simple as it seemed, there was much below the surface of its brightly colored trailers.

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Even by the end of the game, the island of Snaktooth was ripe with mysteries unsolved and questions unanswered. Some of the details in the game don’t quite add up, so it didn’t take long for fans to concoct theories of their own, trying to find the ultimate truth behind the mysterious existence of bugsnax. Here are a few examples of Bugsnax details that aren’t quite airtight and some fan theories that aren’t as farfetched as they first seem.

Disclaimer: Spoilers Ahead!

10 Plot Hole: Loose Lips Sink Ships

As touching as the good ending is, there is one tiny slip up they forgot about. The protagonist and Filbo purposely left out the details about the existence of bugsnax when recounting their tale; but what about their friends?

After the conversation with Clumby, the player doesn’t really hear from the other grumps. Did Cromdo ever end up pursuing his plan of selling bugsnax to get rich? Did Beffica tell her friends about them?

The chapter of Snaktooth Island is well behind our adorable cast of grumps, but no one can truly know if the others were in agreeance with Filbo and the player when deciding to hide the truth about the existence of bugsnax from the rest of the world for the better.

9 Fan Theory: The Perfect Snak

The lure of bugsnax is their delicious taste. Not only are they a form of sustenance on Snaktooth Island, but they’re the best form of it as well. However, how is it that this mysterious snack is universally loved by all the grumpuses? Surely some would be inedible or just not someone’s taste. User Civil_Barbarian on Reddit may have an explanation.

Their theory is that every bugsnak is as good as each grump says it is because they taste like the perfect version of that food; according to the one consuming the snak. Like your fries a bit crispy? That’s what Fryder tastes like. Do you prefer a specific sauce on your ribs? Ribblepedes taste exactly like it!

8 Plot Hole: Sprout’s Loyalty

Nearing the end of the game, the residents of Snaxburg must escape from an erupting Snaktooth Island. But their journey to their escape isn’t an easy one as the grumpuses are faced with herds of now deadly aggressive bugsnax. Although all the bugsnax are now revealed as vicious parasites, it seems as if one little Strabby didn’t get the memo.

Spout, Gramble’s pet Strabby (and also the protagonist’s sidekick), seems to still happily obey commands from the grumpuses even after the uprising. It was almost half-expected that the little Strabby (now weaponized) would defect and turn on the player.

Is Sprout not on their side? And if so, why wasn’t taking Sprout along on the escape ride an option? It seems like a cruel fate for such a loyal friend.

7 Fan Theory: Bugsnax As A Metaphor

Bugsnax within their world are a parasite, but perhaps they translate into something much bigger within reality? In a Reddit discussion started by user lymeguy, fans debated what bugsnax truly represented in our world, where concepts of consumerism and mental health were all touched upon. Maybe bugsnax represent the human races’ financial greed and how the indulgence in it inevitably leads to their end? Or rather they represent each grumpuses’ battle with their mental health, unhappiness, and insecurity as they seem so reliant and dependant on them? The room for interpretation makes for great discussion.

6 Plot Hole: Not Ridding Of The Evidence

After the escape from Snaktooth, the protagonist and new roommate, Filbo, return to the newspaper company to report their findings. All details about their journey and Lizbert are told, except the existence of bugsnax of course.

RELATED: Bugsnax: How To Get The Saddest Ending

However, at the end of the game, many players end up with a few bugsnax in their backpack/inventory after escaping. Which leads fans to question: where did the bugsnax go after the big escape? How would they be exposed of safely without anyone finding out about their existence?

5 Fan Theory: The Composition Of Snax

Although bugsnax cannot be cooked (according to Wambus), they can be “disassembled”. Cromdo is seen selling “bug juice” on a few occasions which can be assumed to be the remnants of a once more lively bugsnak. Reddit user, StygianMaggot theorizes about a currency based system which Bugsnax could have implemented.

Since it is possible for Cromdo to “juice” a bugsnak, reducing it to its essential “snak goo”, it could then be said that other useful items could come from the goo that comes from the snax. Perhaps the grumps could have even discovered a way to manufacture new bugsnax from the remains of the others?

4 Plot Hole: Cannibalistic Bugsnax?

On the topic of composition, the entire tagline of Bugsnax is “you are what you eat”. This is true for the grumpuses; they eat a Strabby, and a body part becomes one. But what about the bugsnax themselves?

There are a few bugsnax species that are “compound” bugsnax. Take a Bunger for example; a Bunger is comprised of a bun, a meat patty, and fries as limbs. Does this mean that this bugsnak had to consume a Fryder in order to acquire its french fry legs and become a fully realized Bunger?

These “compound” bugsnax are comprised of other bugsnax found in the wild, which then leads fans to question how these bugsnax can exist separate of one another; or if bugsnax are indeed capable of cannibalism.

3 Fan Theory: Bugsnax As Human Purpose Within Society

Other than trying to decipher what bugsnax represent, there’s the other side of the fight that is trying to understand what the entire overarching story and existence of bugsnax means. In a post by Reddit user LowCalorieG3, they go into detail about their intricate theory.

They explain how much like when the larger bugsnax are dissected into smaller ones (such as Sandopede or Megamaki), it can be compared to how the human body is made up of cells. On an even larger scale, they explain how when smaller bugsnax help build a larger one to exist and operate, it is much like how humans come together to help build and contribute to society as a whole.

Their claim is that the existence of bugsnax is representative of the inner workings of how society operates and how it depends on the smaller cogs in the machine (humans) for it to continue to exist. Perhaps, in a way, we were the bugsnax all along. Who knew that a family-friendly game for the kids could be so philosophical?

2 Plot Hole: A Word Of Warning

Upon reaching the Undersnax, the player finally meets a now mutated Lizbert and learns that all the Snaxsquatch sightings were her doing, as an attempt to warn the others about the upcoming danger. Liz says she couldn’t make the bugsnax verbally warn the others, which is why she left the ominous message of “no more bugsnax” written in Snaxburg.

However, it is worth noting that the bugsnax are clearly capable of speech as they are able to say their own names. It seems odd that such a strong character like Lizbert had the ability to control the bugsnax as long as she could, yet giving a clear warning seemed out of her reach.

1 Fan Theory: More Than A Song

The theme song of Bugsnax is a catchy musical accompaniment for the game. But perhaps there’s more to the song than just carefree lyrics? Reddit user Pajama-Han writes about a deeper meaning. At the end of the game, we find that the actual core of the island is comprised of bugsnax themselves; bugsnax not only being part of the island but essentially being the island itself.

This user says the line “come to Snaktooth Island and discover it’s bugsnax” is to be taken literally as foreshadowing: the protagonist visits Snaktooth Island and finds that the island itself is in fact bugsnax.

NEXT: 10 Hidden Details Everyone Missed In Bugsnax


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