Skyrim: 7 Creation Club Mods That Are Worth It (& 7 That Aren’t)

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is one of the most popular and successful RPGs Bethesda has ever made. This popularity has sparked a dedicated community that goes as far as to mod the game, altering or adding new features for players to experience.

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Bethesda wanted to capitalize on this with Creation Club, a means of supporting mod creators to create high-quality mods that have a premium price tied to them. This has resulted in a massive amount of controversy about the practice, but few talk about the quality of the creations in question. Like the millions of free mods on the Nexus, it’s a mixed bag. Here are the seven best and worst Creation Club mods for Skyrim: Special Edition.

Updated December 26th, 2020 by Charles Burgar: Modding continues to evolve for Skyrim despite its age. The game has received some tremendous mods throughout 2020, which is why it’s odd that Creation Club didn’t see any new additions. Regardless, Skyrim’s inclusion on the Xbox Game Pass has gotten a few newcomers interested in exploring this storefront to see what’s worth purchasing. From fighting enemies from Oblivion to armored companions, here are four additional Creations that players should, for better or worse, be aware of.

14 Worth: Saints & Seducers

Saints & Seducers adds a new questline to Skyrim that involves an insane mage trying to merge Sheogorath’s realm with Nirn. In gameplay terms, this is effectively one long Shivering Isles-themed dungeon romp with some Oblivion-themed enemies and loot for good measure.

The quality of this creation is surprisingly high, blending the vibrant art style of Oblivion’s Shivering Isles with Skyrim expertly. New items and enemies are also of high quality and worth using in any playthrough. It is rather expensive at 1,500 points, hence why ranking this higher would be hard to justify.

13 Not Worth: Saturalia Holiday Pack

Horses in Skyrim are boring excluding Shadowmere and Arvak. Certain Creation Club mods have tried to remedy this small issue, but Saturalia’s Holiday Pack is one of the strangest.

For 300 points, players can roleplay as an Elder Scrolls version of Santa Claus with a merry reindeer to ride on. The reindeer is functionally identical to a horse besides cosmetic differences, and the clothing this mod provides is decent but runs incongruent with the other items in Skyrim. It’s a fun holiday-themed pack but it just isn’t worth 300 points.

12 Worth: Arcane Archer Pack

Skyrim has one of the most flexible leveling systems in any RPG, allowing players to play nearly any build they want. Some archetypes are missing, though.

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One archetype is an arcane archer, using magical arrows to fire spells from afar. Well, the Arcane Archer Pack fulfills that fantasy rather well. This mod grants spell-infused arrows such as Telekinesis arrows or Chain-Lightning arrows. For 150 points, this isn’t a bad deal. There are mods on the Nexus that do something similar, but none are as simple as this one.

11 Not Worth: Stendarr’s Hammer

Whoever made this Creation put the bare minimum amount of effort into making it. Stendarr’s Hammer might only cost 200 points, but that price point does not match the quality that one would expect.

Obtaining this weapon is as simple as entering the Markarth Museum and stealing it from a shelf. If that wasn’t disappointing, the weapon lacks the scaling damage enchantment it had in Morrowind. Instead, this weapon deals a flat amount of bonus damage to enemies and the Dragonborn’s Stamina bar. There are free mods that do a much better job depicting Stendarr’s Hammer than this Creation.

10 Worth: Elianora Home Bundle

Modded player houses are hit or miss for Skyrim. Most player houses either have a plethora of bugs that make them unusable over a playthrough or are located in inconvenient locations. Mod author Elianora has some fantastic mods on the Nexus as well as a few high-quality housing Creations in the Creation Club—some of which are tied to the Elianora Home Bundle.

Three houses are tied to this bundle that each have some theme. The Tundra Homestead is arguably the most whelming of the bunch but matches the style of Hearthfire’s player homes perfectly. Myrwatch is an excellent player home for mages due to its arcane aesthetic that borrows heavily from the College of Winterhold. Finally, the Shadowfoot Sanctum Creation is a cozy den located in the Riften Ratways, perfect for a thief playthrough. For 1,110 points, obtaining three houses that are bug-free is a great deal. Each Creation can also be individually purchased for 400 points each.

9 Not Worth: Dwarven Armored Mudcrab

One of the first times Bethesda got themselves into hot water with the community was releasing the horse armor DLC for Oblivion. It seems that Bethesda made the Dwarven Armored Mudcrab as a nod to this infamous DLC.

It would have been a clever way to market the Creation Club if it didn’t have a price tag associated with it. 50 Creation Club Points is rather cheap when compared to other Creations, but it doesn’t change the fact that players are spending money on a joke Creation. As a creation, it is also lackluster. The Mudcrab follows the Dragonborn around as a non-combat NPC that can carry 20 units worth of equipment. Those that want a non-hostile companion should install a mod from the Nexus or purchase the Pets of Skyrim Creation instead.

8 Worth: Alternate Armor Series

Looks are subjective, but most can agree that the armor in Skyrim is some of the coolest designed armor in any RPG. With that said, sometimes rocking the same look can get stale.

Meet the Alternate Armor Series. This series of mods overhauls a type of armor with a new visual style while still respecting the source material. Each armor set is 100 points, and the quality of these armors is higher than the base armor. They look great, are easy to get, and are worth the cost.

7 Not Worth: Arcane Accessories

Spells are somewhat underwhelming in Skyrim on their own, but the modding community has done a great job improving the arcane nature of the game. Of course, there’s a Creation Club mod that does just this.

Unfortunately, it’s horribly balanced and is objectively worse than other spell packages on the Nexus such as Apocalypse or Phenderix Magic. This mod adds spells that range from weak to overpowered, making this mod hard to recommend for serious playthroughs. At least it’s only 100 points.

6 Worth: Survival Mode

The harsh climate of Skyrim is reflected in dialogue but not in gameplay. Mods exist that fix this, but these mods either range from too extreme to not impactful enough.

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Survival Mode is a Creation Club mod that, for 500 points, adds new mechanics that mimic key survival elements seen in Fallout: New Vegas or Fallout 4 such as hunger. Body temperature is also a key part of this mod, making inns and abandoned buildings more useful than they were in the base game. It’s a nice deviation from Skyrim’s core gameplay loop without being too hardcore to enjoy. This is particularly good for those on PlayStation 4 since Frostfall and other survival mods aren’t available on that platform.

5 Not Worth: Nordic Jewelry

Jewelry is one of the least noticeable apparel items in Skyrim. Why Bethesda thought it’d be a good idea to sell a mod for 200 points that adds a new style of jewelry is a complete mystery.

Nordic Jewelry is a mod that adds a new style of jewelry based on Nordic armor. It includes an amulet, ring, and circlet. These items are barely noticeable and cost more than the various fantastic armor replacers on the same platform. Worse, there are mods similar to Nordic Jewelry that look arguably better and don’t cost a penny.

4 Worth: Forgotten Seasons

Forgotten Seasons is one of Skyrim’s most expensive pieces of Creation Club content, costing a whopping 1200 points. What this Creation provides is an expertly made dungeon that is one of Skyrim’s best.

Each section of the new Runoff Caverns dungeon is themed off of a season, resulting in 4 sections total. Each zone has enemies that accompany that theme. It is visually impressive, has some great combat moments, and grants some impressive items for completing it. Forgotten Seasons is the highest quality content available currently, but its high price point makes it a tough sell. It is completely worth it if it ever goes on sale, however.

3 Not Worth: Staff Of Sheogorath

A 250 point mod, the Staff of Sheogorath adds the iconic artifact into Skyrim. Those who played Oblivion’s Shivering Isles DLC will know what to expect from this staff, but the quest to obtain it is underwhelming.

After downloading the creation, players will need to kill 2 bull netches to craft the staff. That’s it, there’s nothing relating to Sheogorath or the Shivering Isles. The staff itself is classified as a Paralysis staff, but the enchantment prevents enemies from being damaged while under its effect. It only lasts 10 seconds per cast, down from the 15 it lasted for in Oblivion. It looks cool, but that’s all this creation has going for it.

2 Worth: Rare Curios

It seems the cheapest items on the Creation Club are some of the platform’s best pieces of content. Rare Curios is yet another example of a 100 point mod that is worth the price.

Rare Curios adds over 50 new Alchemy ingredients that include various effects and recipes not available in the vanilla game such as spell resistance and cure poison. These items are seamlessly added into the core game, and the mod even comes with new bolt types and Ayleid treasures!

1 Not Worth: Plague Of The Dead

Plague of the Dead’s selling point is fighting waves of the undead that are styled based on the zombies of Oblivion. It sounds fun on paper, but this creation is nothing more than a cash grab.

And a somewhat expensive one at that. For 400 points, players will fight a few waves of zombies at one specific part of the map that isn’t repeatable. After this encounter, there is an exceedingly rare chance they’ll spawn as a random encounter. That’s it. These enemies behave the same as skeletons but have a different mesh. This creation is insultingly bad and should not be purchased by anyone.

NEXT: Skyrim: 10 Must-Have Armors For Any Type Of Character


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