When one talks about some of the greatest video games ever made, it’s only a matter of time before God of War becomes an integral part of this conversation. After all, the fact of the matter is that the 2018 reboot of this renowned series was an excellent way to modernize the franchise, and has contributed heavily to keeping the franchise relevant to the point that most people simply can’t wait for God of War: Ragnarok to finally hit store shelves.
Unfortunately, the truth that no one really wants to acknowledge is that there’s still a ton of time for God of War: Ragnarok to officially be released, and fans might not have the patience to wait for a year or two without playing any decent story games that would elicit the same feelings as God of War’s story did. So, in a bid to prevent that, here are ten games with stories that are just as well-told as God of War… if not better.
10 BioShock

Ken Levine might’ve faded away into the background in recent times, but there’s no denying the fact that this name had become legendary within the gaming community back when the first BioShock came out.
People witnessed the birth of one of the greatest gaming franchises of all time, full to the brim with an atmosphere truly dripping with horror and intrigue along with a plotline that was genuinely one of the most interesting stories ever told in video games.
In fact, there’s only one game that most people consider to have a better plot than the original BioShock, and that is…
9 BioShock Infinite

BioShock Infinite is the perfect definition of a sequel that did everything bigger, better, and just more enjoyable than its predecessors. The open streets of Columbia might be different from the oppressive corridors of Rapture, but there’s still no denying the fact that Infinite managed to deliver an experience that was truly sublime and stands the test of time as one of the greatest video game narratives of all time.
That being said, one simply can’t talk about the BioShock series without mentioning another brilliant title that served as an inspiration for this brilliant series…
8 System Shock 2

Most people have simply heard of System Shock 2 without even thinking about trying this game out even once — a shame, since System Shock 2 is considered by many to be one of the greatest immersive sims of all time, in no small part due to its brilliant story.
If people loved the atmosphere of Rapture’s horror setting, then they’ll be more than pleased with the brilliant atmosphere of System Shock 2 which is still incredibly nerve-wracking yet enjoyable in every way, shape, and form.
7 Bloodborne

Hidetaka Miyazaki is a modern genius when it comes to crafting games that are absolutely dripping with atmosphere and challenge, and Bloodborne is easily this masterful director’s magnum opus in that regard.
It’s ironic that a game that shoves literally nothing down the throat of gamers in the form of unskippable cutscenes, lore dumps, wasteful exposition, and the like ends up with one of the richest narratives ever seen in a video game.
6 The Last Of Us

But of course, it would be downright impossible to talk about some of the greatest narratives in video games and not mention Naughty Dog’s masterpiece, The Last of Us.
The story of Joel and Ellie as they traverse through a zombie-ridden wasteland is incredibly compelling and makes for what is easily one of the greatest video game narratives of all time. The performances on display in this game are truly amazing and show exactly what modern gaming is capable of.
5 Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic

There was a time when BioWare wasn’t a studio whose goodwill had been completely ruined by EA — rather, it was considered by many to be one of the greatest western RPG developers of all time, and no game personified this better than Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic.
Regardless of whether one is a Star Wars fan or not, there’s still no denying the fact that Knights of the Old Republic is easily one of the greatest video games of all time, with a dastardly plot twist that pretty much no one will see coming.
4 Dragon Age: Origins

Of course, one simply can’t talk about BioWare without mentioning one of the games that put them on the map — Dragon Age: Origins.
The idea of a fantasy role-playing game is something that might’ve been done to death, but props should definitely be given to BioWare for still managing to breathe new life into this genre in the best way possible and providing gamers with some of the best memories, courtesy of a brilliant narrative that feels incredibly personalized to boot.
3 Mass Effect 2

The other game that definitely cemented BioWare’s reputation as one of the greatest video game developers of all time has to be Mass Effect, with the second game in the series considered by many to be the very best of the original trilogy.
Players who were disappointed by Mass Effect: Andromeda should certainly play this game to understand what made this series so special.
2 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

CD Projekt Red is considered by many to be one of the greatest video game developers of all time, and this is mainly due to the amazing success of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
Geralt’s journey had been pretty engrossing as is in the first two games, but it’s the third game that really showed what the Polish studio was capable of, impressing in pretty much every department.
1 Cyberpunk 2077

The latest game released by CD Projekt Red is also something that pretty much no one can believe has finally been released. The hype for Cyberpunk 2077 was through the roof when it was announced, with subsequent delays making gamers feel that maybe this title would never even see the light of day in 2020.
However, this was not the case — Cyberpunk 2077 was finally released and gamers can now finally enjoy what is easily one of the greatest role-playing experiences of all time. While the experience may be marred with a ton of bugs, there’s still no denying the fact that Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the definitive games of the modern generation that has shown once again why CD Projekt Red deserves to be called the greatest AAA studio in modern times.

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