With Monster Hunter Rise a little less than three months away, Capcom continues to unveil more and more information on the game. Now Capcom has shown three new NPCs: Kagero, Hamon, and Kisaki. Each character will be able to give the player new items or equipment for the right amount of zenny and/or resources, of course. Capcom previously showed off Hamon with some concept art, but now are showing him in-game for the first time.
The first NPC, Kagero, will serve as the shopkeeper in Monster Hunter Rise‘s Kamura Village. While Capcom did not detail any specifics about the items players can obtain from Kagero, It is highly likely that Kagero’s stock will be very similar to the shopkeepers of past games. In which case, players should expect to find many consumables for sale such as potions and barrel bombs. Kagero will also likely sell coatings and ammo for ranged weapons which prevents players with enough zenny from having to craft said items.
Hamon meanwhile is going to serve as the hunters’ blacksmith. Upon completion of a hunt, players should find themselves with various materials related to the monster that was just hunted. Hamon can then turn those materials into weapons and armor for hunters or upgrade existing pieces. As for the armor and weapons themselves, Capcom has also been posting short videos on Twitter and YouTube that show off the various weapons and many reveal what kind of armor and weapon designs that players can expect. Hamon will not be in charge of crafting items for one’s animal companions however. That’s where the third NPC comes into play.
The final NPC is Kisaki, the felyne. While in Monster Hunter World, players could go to the blacksmith to get anything forged, be that equipment for the hunter or equipment for their palico, that is no longer the case in Monster Hunter Rise. Games prior to World had separate NPCs for companion armor so it appears Capcom is returning to that particular approach. What’s new however is that Kisaki will forge items for the player’s palico as expected, but will also forge equipment for the player’s palamute.
Separating the companion armor and the hunter armor will help to avoid some of the clutter that came with the menu when choosing to forge something in Monster Hunter World. It is, however, a double edged sword as now players have to go to two different NPCs where they previously only had to go to one.
Regardless, these various reveals that the Monster Hunter team keeps posting on Twitter are quite effective in building up hype for the game as well as keeping players sated until the eventual release. It’s a safe bet to expect more news to be announced via Twitter in the coming months.
Monster Hunter Rise will release on Nintendo Switch on March 26, 2021.

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