Genshin Impact fans have hardly had time to sit still since the game’s release several months ago. Aside from its large launch map, the game has featured a handful of significant content updates this fall, culminating in the December 23 release of Version 1.2.
Version 1.2 was primarily centered around the new-but-expected Dragonspine region, which has been visible on the Genshin Impact map since release, but inaccessible until this update. Aside from Dragonspine, the new patch introduced several powerful five-star characters, new quests and weapons, and apparently, some subtle name-changes throughout.
One of the first major name-changes noticed by fans was that of the Crown of Sagehood/Insight. This rare Talent Ascension Material went through a name change twice, ultimately reverting to its original moniker, “Crown of Insight,” with the arrival of Version 1.2. That being said, several other changes, which were quietly announced in the official update memo, apparently went unnoticed by many gamers. This is particularly ironic considering that the Crown of Insight change went completely unmentioned in the official memo.
The most significant changes concern the names of popular Genshin Impact weapons. Specifically, the four weapons formerly known as the Blackcliff Amulet (catalyst), Prototype Animus (claymore), Prototype Grudge (polearm), and Prototype Malice (catalyst). These four weapons are now named the Blackcliff Agate, Prototype Archaic, Prototype Starglitter, and Prototype Amber, respectively. The Blackcliff Amulet was only available by purchase from Paimon’s Bargains throughout November, so many players may not notice that change, but the Prototype Animus, Grudge, and Malice, are all forgeable four-star weapons, which makes them rather popular.

Aside from these weapons having their names changed, several characters had their Talents’ names adjusted slightly, if not entirely revised, and as mentioned above, the Crown of Sagehood was (re)renamed the Crown of Insight. Kaeya’s Passive Talent, formerly known as “Heart of the Abyss,” will now be referred to as “Glacial Heart.” Moreover, popular Electro archer Fischl had Passive Talent, originally “Lightning Smite,” is titled “Undone Be Thy Sinful Hex,” as of Version 1.2.
These adjustments were all listed below the “Bugs” section in an “Other” subcategory, on the official miHoYo patch content post. However, the change from Crown of Sagehood to Crown of Insight was not listed anywhere on this announcement, which has raised some eyebrows. If the Crown’s name-change went unannounced, there may still be some other minor cosmetic changes that have yet to be noticed. Especially given that the Crown of Sagehood is actually a rather important item.
Genshin Impact is available now on the App Store, Google Play, PC, and PS4, and is currently in development for PS5 and Switch.
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