Hades developer Supergiant Games shared an infographic revealing some information regarding the amount of dialogue in the game. Among the information provided is that there are more than 20,000 lines of dialogue in Hades. While Supergiant has previously shared some of these statistics, today it broke the information down in a more accurate form.
Hades has approximately 21,2020 lines of dialogue, according to the infographic. While Supergiant did not specify how many lines belong to each individual character in its tweet today responding to user LikChan, it did reveal the two characters with the most lines, and the two characters with the least amount of lines.
The two characters with the most lines are Zagreus and Hades, which is likely to be expected given Zagreus is the protagonist and the game centers around its titular character, Hades. Zagreus has approximately 8,500 lines, while Hades has 1,600 lines. That provides a stark contrast between the character with the most and the character with the second-most lines, but it makes sense considering Zagreus will be a part of most conversations, barring those he just overhears.
The characters with the least dialogue are Tisiphone and Charon, with 190 lines and 120 lines respectively. The fact that these two have even this many lines is surprising. Tisiphone only repeats the word “murder” in various ways, and she is not encountered until later in the game – with just a one-in-three chance of appearing each run. Charon, on the other hand doesn’t actually speak; he just grunts.
The infographic details three additional different pieces of information. There are 30 characters with voiced lines total, and Supergiant clarifies in a later tweet that while Cerberus was not considered a voiced character, the faceless narrator was. Additionally, the game contains about 305,443 words of dialogue. The developer noted that all these numbers were not exact, but 305,443 is pretty specific for an approximation.
The final piece of info Supergiant provides indicates that Hypnos has 75 different lines relating to Zagreus’ death. To clarify what that means for those who haven’t played, most every time Zagreus dies and emerges from the Pool of Styx at the House of Hades, he can talk to Hypnos. Hypnos will make a comment about the specific enemy or method that led to Zagreus’ death, and evidently, there are at least 75 ways for Zagreus to die. Either that, or some methods of death have multiple possible replies from Hypnos. Regardless, it’s an impressive number of variables to consider.
Hades is now available for Switch and PC.

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