Players of Animal Crossing: New Horizons no doubt know of Dodo Airlines and the two dodos that work there, Wilbur and Orville. Especially dedicated players though will also know the Dodo Airlines pilot jacket. Now fans of the game can get their hands on their own real life Dodo Airlines pilot jacket, provided they live in New York.
In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, players obtain various rewards for using the services of the Dodo Airlines. These include such things as sunglasses to match the ones Wilbur wears or an umbrella with the Dodo Airlines logo on it. Each item is given after a certain amount of rewards points were obtained.
Players receive rewards points by visiting mystery islands, Harv’s island, or a friend’s island. It’s not totally unlikely that most players would be unfamiliar with the Dodo Airlines pilot jacket, however, as the one in-game was the penultimate reward given to players, requiring 250 rewards points. Flying to a Harv’s island or a mystery island will grant the player one point and flying to a friend’s island will also grant one point. However, the point for visiting a friend can be obtained three times if friends are visited multiple times. Visiting a mystery island and then Harv’s island will still only net the player one point total.
That means that players can obtain a maximum of four points per day. It would therefore take players a minimum of 63 days to receive enough points to earn the pilot jacket. It’s not very likely that players are going to visit a friend three times a day though, so it’s a pretty lengthy endeavor to get the jacket in the game. Unfortunately, it’s not much easier to get it in real life.
The jacket is only available for sale at Nintendo NY, which as its name would imply, is a physical store located in New York. Therefore, anyone who is not in New York is either going to have to go without it, figure out a way to make a trip over there soon, or try to get it online secondhand.
The price tag on the jacket, while not ridiculous, is still a significant amount to put down. The jacket retails for $79.99. No other details besides the price and appearance of the jacket have been given by Nintendo, so anyone interested in the jacket will have to either wait for more info or go see the jacket in person, which as established, is easier said than done for most people. That being said though, it’s a great opportunity for New Yorkers to grab a functional piece of Animal Crossing memorabilia.
Animal Crossing: New Horizon is now available for Nintendo Switch.

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