The 10 Rarest Encounters In The Fallout Series | Game Rant

Random encounters are things the player may or may not come across while exploring the various post-apocalyptic wastelands of the Fallout series. These occurrences are usually the result of the player meeting some sort of unmentioned criteria or stumbling across an unplanned event spawned by the game’s RNG.

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Every game in the main series holds a large variety of fun and sometimes outlandish scenarios that one can experience. Many exist to expand the world lore or be short and comical in a way that can break up the monotony of exploring. Though, many of these are not found too easily as predicting when and where they will happen are nearly impossible.

10 Patrick The Celt

In the very first Fallout game, each time the Vault Dweller enters a new area there is a chance for a random encounter to occur depending on the type of terrain being traversed. This is the basis for all random encounters in this franchise and all games in the series follow this logic. One such happening is that Patrick the Celt may show up on mountain tiles in the north and south areas of the map. If stumbled across, one can talk to him for a chance to pass a Speech skill check and be serenaded with a Celtic melody. This will increase the Vault Dweller’s Charisma stat by one point.

9 Gang War

Fallout 2 is a bit different from its predecessor in that most of the random encounters are combat-related, with the more humourous and lore-friendly ones being designated as “special encounters” that act a bit differently. There are many mixes and matches of what kinds of enemies show up. One of the more dynamic matchups is when enemies spawn and start fighting each other instead of the player. Sometimes when in the New Reno area of the map, the player will find mobsters, Yakuza members, as well as other gangs shredding each other with Tommy guns. Simply hang back and save action points while they slaughter one another to pick off the survivors and harvest a bunch of free loot.

8 Double Ambush

Depending on one’s karma in Fallout 3, the Lone Wanderer will sometimes get ambushed by factions aligned to the opposite end of the spectrum from where they reside. If one has evil karma, the Regulators may pop up to try and end the player’s sinister ways, and if one has good karma, the selfishly brutal Talon Company might appear to take out a goody-two-shoes. However, if one switches from good to bad karma, or vice-versa, there is a small chance that the game’s delay in reading one’s karma alignment may result in an ambush from both factions at once. This may be another reason to stick to a specific playstyle instead of flipping between two. That is unless one is looking for a more challenging and chaotic fight.

7 Flight Of The Jackals

Fallout: New Vegas has quite a few groups and gangs one can bump into, though sometimes these encounters have nothing to do with the Courier. Of all the tribes that spawned from the former citizens of Vault 15, the Jackals are definitely the weakest, as can be seen from one specific occurrence.

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In a rare instance, while exploring, the player may see a group of four Jackals members running in a straight line, though not at the Courier. These wastelanders are being chased by a mole-rat. A single regular mole-rat.

6 Treasure Map

Many corpses litter the wasteland of the Commonwealth in Fallout 4, though some are more worthy of looting than others. The body of Hadrian can be found in a random location and has a holotape that starts the miscellaneous quest “The Treasure of Jamaica Plains.” This will even mark Jamaica Plains on the map of the Sole Survivor, leading one to some great items and a fair bit of cash.

5 Eyebot Pied Piper

If seen from a distance and out of audio range, this encounter may look like a few enemies that just happen to be moving in the same area, though upon closer inspection will reveal one of the more interesting random findings in Fallout 76. Once in a while, an Eyebot will follow some non-hostile Radrats while playing a tune from their speaker. This song is “The British Grenadiers” and is a marching rhythm, leading players to believe that this Eyebot is encouraging these rodents on some sort of mysterious journey.

4 Weary Fisherman

While adventuring along the coast in the first Fallout game, it is possible to stumble across a man and his son doing some peaceful fishing. When spoken to, the man will talk to the Vault Dweller about a variety of topics. He will give the player information about certain locations, offer advice on the main quest, and even pontificates on the benefits of living off the land while avoiding politics.

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Wisdom like this is not often found in the wasteland, so be sure to treasure the fisherman’s words if one ever comes across him, as some of his dialogue is not only great in-game advice but can be applied to the real world as well.

3 Ticking Timebomb

This encounter is one that will make players consider increasing their Explosives skill the next time they play Fallout 3. Rarely, a nondescript citizen of the wasteland will approach the Lone Wanderer and inform them that raiders have strapped a bomb to them and that it will explode very soon. If the player tries to disarm this bomb there is always a chance of failure, even if one’s Explosive skill is above the threshold of the game’s stat-check. Be quick in deciding whether to help this poor fellow or not, as the bomb will automatically go off after ten seconds have elapsed.

2 Wasteland Gourmet

If one thinks this guy just looks like a raider with a chef’s hat, they would be correct. Gruel is a character that can be found wandering about the Commonwealth in Fallout 4 searching for rare ingredients. Strangely, Gruel does not have any voiced dialogue and does not engage the player. Though, if the Sole Survivor decides to take him out, they will find a disgusting list indicating what this gourmand considers the wasteland’s culinary best.

1 Rude Robot

Protectrons are relatively common in Fallout 76, though there are non quite like Insult Bot. This machine was designed to wander West Virginia’s wastes for the sole purpose of poking fun at any players they find. As their name implies, they will dish out insults of a great variety, often implying one’s lack of intelligence or making fun of a player’s appearance, though all in the name of good fun. Afterward, they will even issue their insult target a little note that acts as a souvenir to remember the sick burn that the player was just scorched with.

NEXT: Fallout 3: 5 Best Followers In The Game (& 5 Worst)


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