Three Atlus employees revealed what their hopes for 2021 were. Some of the responses given are more on the philosophical side, while others are a little more tangible and have to do with various games in the Shin Megami Tensei series, which, for those unfamiliar, is the series Persona is a part of.
The first creator interviewed was Shinjiro Takada, who, this year, worked on Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore. He is currently working on Shin Megami Tensei 5 for the Nintendo Switch, and while he doesn’t provide any additional info on the title, he does say that it is being “enthusiastically” developed despite “various difficulties during development.”
Persona Central notes, however, that more info on Shin Megami Tensei 5 may be coming in early 2021. There is currently a concert entitled Shin Megami Tensei Online Live 2021 that is scheduled for March, so it is not unreasonable to think more info will be revealed there.

Second, comes Katsura Hashino who worked on the last three mainline Persona games as well as Shin Megami Tensei 3 and Catherine. He states that despite the chaos that coronavirus has caused this year, he is looking forward to detailing more of their new fantasy RPG title which is currently tentatively known as Project Re Fantasy.
Finally, comes Kazuhisa Wada’s interview responses. Wada has worked on Persona 4 Arena, Persona 5 Royal, as well as the spin-off Persona Dancing games. He doubles down on his previous remarks about Persona‘s 25th anniversary and the exciting announcements Atlus plans to make to commemorate it.
It is unclear what the anniversary announcement could be, as Persona 5 Strikers was recently announced for a Western release and Persona 6 is likely a long way off. One reveal that would be possible, however, is Persona 5 Arena. Given that Wada worked on Persona 4 Arena, it would be quite possible he is working on another sequel to it as well. Hopefully, if that turns out to be the case, players will get to see how the cast of Persona 4 is doing year after their game like players did the Persona 3 cast in the first two Arena games.
Source: Persona Central

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