Dragon Quest is a franchise that is utterly legendary in the JRPG genre. Known for bringing in many tropes that have existed today, it allows the player to play as the Hero who goes off to save the world. Over time, they will receive powerful weapons that allow them to combat the final enemy, whether it is designed for it or if it was made from legend. Practically every fantasy and JRPG since then have followed this trope, but this series is probably one of the more famous examples. Dragon Quest offers plenty of legendary swords that have become synonymous to the characters of the game. This is clearly seen in games such as Super Smash Bros Ultimate. But what exactly are they and what do they do?
Here is every sword from the Legendary equipment that is most prominent in the series. Keep in mind, that although there are 11 mainline games, not all of them have legendary equipment. Whether it is potentially not found or if it’s because it’s based around a fully customizable protagonist. Even then, some games share the same sword. Fans are warned of potential spoilers.

The Okeanos Sword is a unique sword that appears during Dragon Quest VII. As a part of the Saint’s Equipment, the pieces of equipment is named after the many dieties that appear within the lore of Dragon Quest VII. With the sword itself being a direct reference to Okeanos.
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The Greek Titan of the sea, it gives the character using it around +140 in their attack. Not only that, but it also has a special ability in that it is able to employ Oomph in battle. A stat boost that increases the user and parties strength. Finally it can also inflict electric damage with every strike.

Originally appearing in Dragon Quest VIII, what’s unique about this weapon along with the equipment utilized is that it has no barring to the overall plot. Instead, it is equipment that is obtained after fighting the Lord of the Dragovians. A katana, it offers the Hero a huge attack bonus of +107 and deals strong zap damage of 40-80. The best part is that it can be upgraded if the player desires it. Becoming more and more powerful with the return of the Dragovian King Sword.

The Zenethian Sword is part of the legendary equipment that is available during Dragon Quest 4, 5 and 6. Also going by the name of the Sword Of Ramia (presumably) in the sixth game, the hero has to restore its glory to make it powerful again. Not only does it offer plenty of attack bonuses like the other weapons but different abilities. In Dragon Quest 4 and 5, it uses disruptive wave which can remove buffs. In 6, it was Oomph. Just as Erdrick’s sword is synonymous with its trilogy, so too is the Zenethian sword in its trilogy.

The latest sword in the Dragon Quest pantheon, it is also the one that looks the most similar to the Sword Of Erdrick for good reason. Only usable by the Luminary of legend in Dragon Quest 11. It is considered the sole weapon that can defeat darkness itself in the same vein as the Master Sword. not only does it amplify his abilities, it is also capable of dispelling darkness depending on which version it is.
Every sword of light offers the characters the ability to use zap damage. However, the first and final versions of the sword allow the Hero to remove any status ailment. While the Super Sword Of Light has the capacity of dispelling the darkness of Calasmos as mentioned earlier. Eventually, it is revealed that the Super Sword Of Light has a direct connection to the Erdrick trilogy.

The original legendary sword that has appeared since Dragon Quest 1, it was originally known as the Sword Of Kings in Dragon Quest 3. However, after his fated battle with Zoma, he left it behind so that his descendants can use the sword in their future battles against evil. The sword is easily seen to have fought many denezins of the Dragon Quest universe like Dragon Lord and Malroth if the player decides to use it.
When the sword was first created as the Sword Of Kings, it has the ability to unleash Kaswoosh towards their enemies. The power potency of the weapon unfortunately got weaker and weaker with each descendant. By Dragon Quest 2, the weapon pales in comparison to other swords. However, with that being said, the sword is virtually iconic to the franchise. Appearing in not only other Dragon Quest games, but also as a bonus sword that is seen in other franchises like Final Fantasy.

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