Legend Of Zelda: The Legendary Swords From Each Timeline Explained

The Legend Of Zelda is some of the most important video game franchises to have ever been released in Nintendo’s catalogue. With so many adventures to tell through the journey of Link, fans were able to experience games that truly stand on their own. This has a lot to do with how different each game is. While many of them focus on the saving of land that is in turmoil, the inner layers of each game have something new that really makes one stand apart from another. Of course, one of the most integral aspects of The Legend Of Zelda series is how there are multiple timelines. Thanks to a certain Hero Of Time, there have been many different heroes to come out of it and not only that, different swords to come out of it. Although most fans know and remember Master Sword, there is certainly more to come.

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Here is every single legendary sword that is used within the Legend Of Zelda. Keep in mind that a legendary sword doesn’t necessarily mean the strongest swords in the game. Otherwise, this list would be a lot larger. These are swords that are specifically known for its legendary properties. Not only that, but swords that evolve will be mentioned such as the Picori Sword or the Goddess Sword. Fans are also warned for any spoilers that may exist.

The Lokomo Sword is the legendary weapon that appeared in only one game. The Legend Of Zelda Spirit Tracks. This sword was given to Link by Anjean who was the protector of the Tower Of Spirits. One of the abilities that this sword is able to do is stun Phantoms. Not only is this sword fairly powerful, but it is also the only weapon that can contend against the Demon King Malladus. However, compared to other swords in the series, it sadly pales in comparison.

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Due to Spirit Tracks taking place within New Hyrule, Link does not have the resources available to him like the Master Sword. Since Spirit Tracks takes place in the timeline where Hyrule was flooded. As powerful as Malladus is, it unfortunately pales in comparison to someone like Ganon or Demise. Nonetheless, the Lokomo sword is an extremely powerful sword that is able to contend with other legendary swords.

The second legendary sword that was used by the Hero of the Winds, the Phantom Sword as it is suggested within the name, has the ability to vanquish phantoms. A trait that seems to surpass the Lokomo sword in that regard. Link has to assemble the sword by receiving the blade from the blacksmith Zauz and the hilt from Oshuz. When it is fully assembled, Link is able to defeat the evil phantom Bellum and vanquish it completely.

Originally the Picori blade, it was eventually shattered and became known as the Four Swords after a variety of upgrades. After combining the four elements, the four swords is given the ability to multiply Link. But it doesn’t just do that, the four swords are similar to Master Sword in that it has the ability to repel forms of evil. As the sword is capable of repelling evil such as a reincarnated Ganon and Vaati. It is also capable of unleashing sword beams similar to the original Zelda games.

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However, outside of that, the Four Swords is capable of doing other things than just that. It is capable of sensing portals to the dark world and is also able to provide limited-time travel when in the lookout for force gems. However, despite these powerful elements of the sword and being far stronger than the other swords mentioned before, it isn’t as powerful as what the series is most iconic for.

The Master Sword is the iconic weapon that everyone knows about.  No matter if the player is a fan of the franchise or not, virtually everyone at least has some knowledge of the Master Sword. Originally the Goddess Sword which was wielded by Hylia, it was eventually upgraded by Link during Skyward Sword in order to become the iconic Master Sword. Known as the blade of evil’s bane, it offers a multitude of unique capabilities.

It’s most clear and obvious use is the ability to vanquish a variety of evil beings. Being the very weapon that is capable of defeating Ganondorf and Ganon outright. It is also the weapon that slain Demise. Since it used to be the Goddess Sword, it is also capable of looking for treasure. It can also be used to release sword beams. But perhaps the most powerful usage of the sword is that it is capable of letting Link travel through different timelines. At least the Hero Of Time anyways. The sword is also capable of getting upgraded to become even more powerful.

NEXT: The Legend Of Zelda: 10 Most Interesting Things About The Zora


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