Apex Legends Player Pretends to be MARVN and Bamboozles Enemies

Apex Legends isn’t often a game of deception, but in the best scenarios, it can be. Many live this up to Mirage and his clones to bamboozle enemies, but one players have managed to do just that with Pathfinder.

On the Olympus map, it seems Redditor and YouTuber Kam1Yo killed the MARVN that can be found in-game and took its place and pose as Pathfinder. This, in turn, caused every enemy who entered the room to ignore the player, successfully pulling off an Apex Legends bamboozle.

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The hilarity sets it when multiple enemies are in the room or when he takes a few pot shots at enemies, who are confused by what is happening. While players can shoot and kill that particular MARVN, many don’t (which is reflected in the comments on Reddit). Apex Legends players often expect nothing from that MARVN, which is part of the reason this works so well and is so hilarious, and the fact that he has Pathfinder’s heirloom definitely goes a long way in pulling off that bamboozle.

Of course, Pathfinder is and always will be a popular Apex Legends character, even if he’s been nerfed from the heights he once held. Officially, Pathfinder has been getting a lot of attention too as a result of the Fight Night event. It originally leaked, but the Apex Legends Stories from the Outlands video basically confirms that it is coming alongside the giant Pathfinder banner on Olympus as well. It’ll be a collection event with a unique Pathfinder skin as the crown jewel, and it’ll likely begin sometime in the next couple of weeks.

Apex Legends is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One, with a Switch version in development.

MORE: Apex Legends Image Compares Pathfinder’s Fight Night Skin to Dick Tracy


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