Fortnite Leaker Reveals Locations where Loot Llamas Most Likely Appear

Prominent Fortnite leaker HYPEX shows off the locations where the highly desired Supply Llamas are most likely to appear. In a Twitter post, HYPEX put forth a comprehensive look at the entire map in Fortnite, marking all the most common spots.

Succeeding in this battle royale game relies heavily on winning gun fights, building useful structures, and catching cute creatures. As part of performing well in that regard, players must comb the map for useful resources. Breaking open a Loot Llama is a major boon because they can drop items from ammunition and consumables to building materials like steel or wood.

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While downtime exists in most Fortnite matches, players will not necessarily have time to discover extras Llamas or IO Guards locations. Thanks to HYPEX, finding these piñata style beasts will no longer be left up to chance. By gathering data over the course of 90 matches, HYPEX creates a sample size. Then through replays, the leaker was able to pinpoint the spawn areas of 450 Loot Llamas. By following the arrows drawn on the map, players can focus on passing through or building in the areas where these resource bundles are most likely to appear.

From the Fortnite map on Twitter, there are four main areas where Llamas have a high chance of spawning. The first arrow marks a hill that is just east of Craggy Cliffs. From there, players can expect more to appear around the road northwest of Retail Row. Additionally, the road that heads east from Catty Corner can be a likely area to bust open some Llamas. Depending on your drop location, southeast of Misty Meadows may be the best area to find the critters.

Fortnite is a game with hordes of casual and hardcore gamers as well as famous streamers playing at any time. Everything from loot spawns to player drop zones are random, so coming in at number one can rely on chance. With all the Season 5 competitive changes, this Loot Llama map should be a huge benefit for players looking for a leg up on the competition. By knowing the areas they are likely to spawn, strategic gamers will be able to gather helpful resources much faster. When it comes to the final battles, every consumable or building material can be the difference between winning and losing.

It does remain to be seen whether the locations shown off will actually result in higher Loot Llama spawns though. Even based on the experiment, 90 matches is not that many relative to how many Fortnite games are happening overall. Even if the map is highly accurate, there is a good chance that Epic Games could just tweak the Llama spawns to be in different areas or more random. But while they wait for the New Years Eve event, players should check out this detailed map to get those sweet Llama drops.

Fortnite is free-to-play for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

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