Which Skyrim Character Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Each of the twelve signs in the Zodiac describes a vivid personality, defined by distinct traits and motivations. These traits are displayed most clearly in extreme situations: for example, in a harsh landscape dotted with dragons. Though the constellations of the Zodiac don’t exist in their sky, certain personalities in Skyrim exemplify the same traits people see in each sign from Aries to Pisces.

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Some characters in the game are flat and static, reduced to three lines of bland dialogue. However, plenty more are detailed and complex, especially those who drive the main stories. Who exemplifies each sign the best?

All zodiac artwork featured in the article is by DarkmoonArt_de on Pixabay.

12 Aries: Aela the Huntress

With her free spirit and quick temper, Aela displays Aries traits at every turn. Tough and hot-blooded, she never hesitates to charge into a fight. Her fellow Companions occasionally urge her to think before she leaps; for example, in her outrage over Skjor’s death.

Aries often have endless energy, as Aela displays when the player asks for her thoughts on the afterlife. Between the Nordic tradition of Sovngarde and the werewolves’ endless hunt, she chooses the latter without hesitation, eager to hunt alongside her patron Hircine for eternity.

11 Taurus: Karliah

Tauruses appreciate the finer things in life and are collectors of trinkets and treasures. It fits that Karliah, as an expert thief hunting down riches, falls under this sign.

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Persistence, tenacity, and the ability to harbor grudges are Taurus trademarks central to Karliah’s story. Patient yet unforgiving, she waits until the right moment to exact her revenge on the man who betrayed her. Additionally, as a dedicated acolyte of Nocturnal, Karliah never wavers in her values or beliefs, displaying classic Taurus faith and loyalty.

10 Gemini: Brynjolf

Clever, flighty, and fun, Brynjolf perfectly encapsulates the Gemini ethos. Though Mercer Frey may lead the Thieves’ Guild, it’s Brynjolf who draws new members into the fold. He’s witty and sociable, joking even at dire moments. Yet, as fits those under the sign of the twin, his jovial air takes a dark turn when he faces enemies.

Always adaptable, Brynjolf follows wherever the adventure leads, whether it’s into Nocturnal’s embrace or a Falmer ruin. While his spontaneity makes him hard to keep up with, escapades with Brynjolf are never dull.

9 Cancer: Maramal

In the unforgiving land of Skyrim, it’s hard to find people who are genuinely kind and caring. The temple priests, however, devote their lives to the service of others. As a priest in Riften’s Temple of Mara, Maramal performs marriages and tries to help people in the name of the Divines.

Cancers are motherly and protective, just like the goddess whom Maramal serves. However, they can also hold grudges and outdated views…which Maramal displays with an unsolicited sermon in the middle of a tavern.

8 Leo: Pantea Ateia

Few can flaunt the Leo spirit like a master bard. The Master Vocalist at the Bards College, Pantea is aware of her talents and loves being the center of attention.

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Despite her arrogance, Pantea genuinely loves her craft, remarking on how much she enjoys singing at weddings and at the Blue Palace. Just like any Leo, she takes pride in spreading cheer through her performance, and of course, the admiration she receives is a welcome bonus.

7 Virgo: Serana

Virgos are often guarded and can appear cold since they don’t wear their hearts on their sleeves. Serana is closed off when she first encounters the Dragonborn, taking a whole questline to open up. However, when she does, she is a steadfast friend and a strong, reliable ally.

Serana holds herself to an incredibly high standard, a classic Virgo characteristic. She’s a deep thinker and resourceful problem solver. Because of their honesty and dedication, Virgos are often well-loved by others, and Serana remains a fan favorite of Skyrim players everywhere.

6 Libra: Balgruuf the Greater

Fair-minded and diplomatic, Libras strive to maintain peace and balance, and Jarl Balgruuf does just that for his people. He tries to stay out of the civil war conflict, maintaining that he stands “on the side of Whiterun.”

Some see Balgruuf’s neutrality as emblematic of a Libra weakness: indecision. As people-pleasers, Libras’ desire to make everyone happy can lead to dithering. But at the end of the day, Balgruuf wants his people to live in safety and harmony — as any Libra does for those they care about.

5 Scorpio: Astrid

Who could be more deadly and mysterious than the leader of an assassin’s guild? With her intelligence, sultry voice, and dedication to her work, Astrid’s personality and demeanor are underlined by Scorpio traits. Devoted to the Dark Brotherhood and all its members, her utmost concern is preserving what she has built and keeping its secrets secure.

Astrid also reacts strongly to perceived threats or betrayal. Cicero’s behavior and the Dragonborn’s new status as the Listener push this Scorpio trait to the forefront, manifesting Astrid’s possessive and jealous side.

4 Sagittarius: Mjoll the Lioness

Untethered and adventurous, Sagittarians love to explore. Mjoll has traveled all over Tamriel, seeking thrills and chasing monsters. She’s delved into dwarven ruins (where she lost her sword) and hunted cliff racers in Morrowind. Her goal is to see and do as much as possible in her life.

Crime and injustice outrage Mjoll, and she doesn’t hesitate to say so. Honest and outspoken, she doesn’t care if her opinions get her into trouble. She welcomes challenges, and like any Sagittarius, is eager to stand up for the underprivileged.

3 Capricorn: Ulfric Stormcloak

Capricorns are ambitious, responsible, and often very serious in nature. Ulfric’s composed and unreadable countenance, even as he leads a rebellion, fits this description flawlessly. Like others under the sign of the goat, he is clever and calculating, often planning several moves ahead.

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Ulfric’s dedication to Skyrim’s ancient customs and values point towards the Capricorn affinity for traditionalism. He focuses on concrete achievements as he works towards his ideals; however, like a Capricorn, Ulfric often lacks patience, eager to move his plans forward.

2 Aquarius: Neloth

Eccentric, intellectual, and aloof, Neloth’s defining traits match up well with those of Aquarius. Though he comes across as antisocial, Neloth enjoys cerebral conversation with the few he believes to match his intelligence. He inspires loyalty despite his arrogance, as his apprentices and employees consistently express respect and admiration for him.

As visionaries and futuristic thinkers, Aquarians love to explore new ideas. Neloth constantly pushes the boundaries of his magical limitations; for example, experimenting with the properties of Heart Stones despite the potential risks.

1 Pisces: Kodlak Whitemane

A lycanthropic warrior might not be the first image that comes to mind for this sensitive, artistic sign, however, Kodlak’s wise and pensive nature personifies Pisces to the letter. Despite his warrior background, he abhors needless violence. Kodlak’s wisdom is renowned and respected throughout the holds, and he inspires faith and loyalty from his Companion brethren.

Kodlak’s prophetic dreams demonstrate his power of perception, another common Pisces trait. He’s also very spiritual, as his deepest wish is to go to the Nord haven of Sovngarde upon his death.

NEXT: Which Gen 1 Pokemon Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign?


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