Grand Theft Auto games don’t directly follow on from each other. Certain characters or locations may appear in multiple installments, but overall, most entries are self-contained adventures. This allows Rockstar to have the events of each title occur in whatever year the company wants. And sometimes, the year or decade a game is set plays a big part in its presentation or themes.
The franchise doesn’t change things radically as they’re all still great crime-based games. In fact, it’s impressive how Rockstar can make its signature brand of gameplay fit into different time periods. Although, with 14 games spanning over 50 in-universe years, it can be hard to remember what happened when. This guide can help with that.
14 Grand Theft Auto 2 – Unspecified

GTA 2 is the only game in the series that doesn’t inform the player of the year everything takes place. Fans, of course, have theories ranging from 1999 (when the game came out) to 2013.
It’s hard to tell by the environment of the game as everything occurs in a retro-futuristic city, which doesn’t come close to being the strangest thing about the series. The lack of any real story or characters means it doesn’t connect to the other titles anyway.
13 Grand Theft Auto: London 1961 – 1961

Typically, Grand Theft Auto games are set in fictional American locations. However, the original title has two mission packs that transport players back to ’60s London. The second one focuses on the year 1961, as its name suggests.
The place and time are represented through things like the game’s locations and vehicles. For instance, Double Decker buses and Minis are all over the roads, and they look like they did in 1961 – as close as the graphics will allow anyway.
12 Grand Theft Auto: London 1969 – 1969

Before players traveled back to Britain in 1961, they visited the country during 1969 for GTA‘s first mission pack. Cars driving on the left, references to British culture, and plenty of music from the ’60s are just a few ways the game re-creates the country and era.
While the story isn’t a big focus in these older installments, London 1969 does introduce some characters who also appear in the 1961 pack. Although there is little personality or character development to them, so it’s difficult to really notice.
11 Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories – 1984

Vice City Stories acts as a prequel to the perhaps timeless Vice City. Although, the Miami-esque city looks a little different in this one. For instance, certain landmarks like Avery Construction don’t even exist yet.
A man who does, though, is Victor Vance, who serves as the main protagonist. After being dishonorably discharged from the army, he needs to make his way in the drug-filled city. He also appears at the beginning of Tommy Vercetti’s adventure two years later.
10 Grand Theft Auto: Vice City – 1986

When fans think of a GTA period piece, Vice City is generally the first to come to mind. Its 1980s setting is perfectly realized in the game’s bright and vibrant presentation. Plus, the in-game radio is filled with tracks that fit the decade.
Players control Tommy Vercetti as he tries to build a drug empire after his stint in prison. As is typically the case with GTA narratives, there’s a lot of betrayals and gunfire along the way.
9 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas – 1992

Gangsta rap was huge in the ’90s. So, it’s no surprise the genre makes a significant presence on the GTA: San Andreas soundtrack. And the music succeeds in making the game feel like it’s set in that time.
The main story goes beyond the tunes, though, as gang warfare plays a large role in the narrative. Playable character, CJ, gets involved right from the start after returning to San Andreas – which is still one of the biggest maps Rockstar has ever made.
8 Grand Theft Auto – 1997

The first Grand Theft Auto has several elements that identify it as a game set in the late ’90s, from the music to the heavy use of payphones. Yet, it wasn’t designed to be a period piece. The game simply takes place in what was the present day of the time. It just goes to show how long the series has lasted.
The title actually introduces several places that would go on to become significant in later installments in the franchise, including Liberty City, San Andreas, and Vice City. However, these places are a lot smaller in this original title, and they look very different in only two dimensions.
7 Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories – 1998

Three years before working with Claude in GTA 3, Toni Cipriani serves as the main protagonist in this game, Liberty City Stories. In it, Toni rejoins the Leone family after lying low for murder.
As a prequel to the third game, this entry lets players see what Liberty City looked like in 1998. However, the game doesn’t particularly focus on the year. It seems Rockstar picked the late ’90s for the setting solely so it could fit neatly into the story.
6 Grand Theft Auto Advance – 2000

This Game Boy Advance GTA title takes place several years before its actual release date. Although, like with Liberty City Stories, that is less to do with taking advantage of the time period and more to do with it being a prequel to GTA 3.
It actually shares some characters with the third GTA installment, but it has a brand new protagonist in Mike. The small-time criminal attempts to gain vengeance for his friend’s untimely demise. First, though, he has to find those responsible.
5 Grand Theft Auto 3 – 2001

The third GTA game changed a lot about the series. It was the first entry to be in 3D and put more emphasis on the narrative. The story involves Claude hunting down his ex-girlfriend Claudia, but, of course, he gets caught up in the criminal underworld in the process.
While the game was innovative from a gameplay perspective, the time period is less so. The game’s events take place in what was the present day when it was released. Although looking back, it is cool to see what Liberty City was like in the early 2000s.
4 Grand Theft Auto 4 – 2008

Like it’s direct predecessor, GTA 4 is set in Liberty City, but during 2008. The place has changed with the times, especially its residents. Things like mobile phones and the internet have become big parts of people’s lives.
The game introduces one of the series best protagonists in Niko, who comes to the states to live the American dream. Instead, he gets involved in a litany of criminal activity. The stories of Johnny Klebitz and Luis Lopez take place concurrently in The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony expansions.
3 Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars – 2009

In 2009, Huang Lee, the son of a Triad boss, attempts to find out the truth behind his father’s death and get back their family sword. These events occur throughout Liberty City, which looks pretty similar to what it does during Niko’s reign of terror.
Unlike GTA 4, the game doesn’t make as much social commentary about life in the late 2000s. Instead, it places the focus on Asian gangs and how they operate.
2 Grand Theft Auto Online – 2013 To Present Day

As GTA Online constantly gets updated, it pretty much keeps up with the real-world calendar. However, the beginning of its story happens before GTA 5’s main campaign.
The user-created protagonist arrives in Los Santos during the mode’s opening cutscene. They then get involved in all sorts of criminal activity, from street racing to bank heists. It’s all set in the same world as GTA 5, meaning it’s the closest resemblance to the world of today.
1 Grand Theft Auto 5 – 2013

The main story of GTA 5 features three protagonists from three different parts of San Andreas. Their lives intertwine during their time in Los Santos, and they get into a lot of trouble together.
After the prologue, all of Michael, Franklin, and Trevor’s missions occur during 2013. So, of course, the game pokes fun at the present-day world. Things like social media, celebrity status, and the government are the main targets for the title’s mockery.

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