Fallout 76: What Is Max Level? (& Tips To Get There Quickly)

Raising the character’s level is a core component of quickly gaining power in Fallout 76. Certain items require a certain amount of attributes and skills which only come with high levels. If the player wishes to be the strongest Wastelander they’ll need to be high level to face the various enemies and other players.

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To prevent leveling from being a long and grueling process there are a number of strategies players can use to speed things along. Here are some of the most recommended tips to reach the max level as efficiently as possible.

Updated March 19, 2021 by Ben Baker: When grinding towards max level in Fallout 76 it becomes very clear that even with the most efficient plan, it’ll take some time. Finding ways to nudge out experience gains or maximize the productivity of each action is important to cutting down on how long leveling takes. To give players some additional ideas on how to cut down on the grind time here are some other ideas. They may not be as efficient or effective as those originally mentioned, but every little bit counts.

15 Max Level

It’s important to know right away there isn’t technically a level cap in the game, but there is a S.P.E.C.I.A.L. cap. Once the player has reached level 50 they will no longer receive S.P.E.C.I.A.L. points upon leveling up, 56 points is the max and each attribute can have a max of 15 points.

Every level after 50 the player can still receive perk cards and rank them up all the way to gold level. There are hundreds of perk cards to chase after and no limit to how high the player’s level can be. According to the fanbase the average player should hit level 200, hardcore players will be north of 500, and a few insane players and possible exploiters will be in the thousands.

14 Collect Leader Bobbleheads

Throughout the world are various Bobbleheads that the player can collect. Each provides unique bonuses and benefits to the player when consumed. For leveling purposes, the player will want to track down the Leader Bobbleheads.

These particular Bobbleheads will provide the player with a +5% increase to the amount of experience gained for one hour. It may not sound like much, but over time with multiple Bobbleheads that 5% can save the player hours of time they would have spent grinding experience.

13 Play Your Cards Well

Every two levels up to level 10 and then every five levels afterward, the player receives a Perk Card. Perk Cards grant the player special abilities and stat bonuses. Aside from leveling and gear, this is a valuable method of improving the character’s capabilities in the game.

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Players can pick a number of Perk Cards that will dramatically improve their efforts to level up quickly. Perks like Slugger can increase damage and end fights sooner to speed up farming. Night Person grants a higher Intelligence at night which leads to more experience earned farming at night. Whatever the player’s strategy for leveling up, there is a Perk Card for it.

12 Buff Intelligence Gear

Intelligence is the stat that determines how much experience a player earns when performing various actions. A higher Intelligence stat leads to increased earnings and faster leveling. The player can nudge this stat higher by having gear on hand that boosts Intelligence.

Things like Shielded Casual Underarmor or Unyielding Armor come with a boost to Intelligence. The player should be careful to balance out effective armor with Intelligent armor, but it can be a great way to speed things along.

11 The Right Build

There are a number of different strategies for quickly grinding to max level. Some players opt for crafting in bulk, others farm enemies, and most players do a bit of both. Whatever the player’s method for gaining experience, it pays to have an efficient build for it.

The right build can mean anything from having maximum DPS to higher levels of Intelligence. There are a number of different guides and tools out there for the player to build the strongest character in Fallout 76.

10 Find A Farm

Once the player has the right build, the right gear, and a number of experience buffs it’s key to know where to go to farm most efficiently. The key is to find dangerous enemies, typically in the east, that will offer the most experience per kill.

New Gad has both Super Mutants and Scorched the player can kill. Graton Steel Yard has both Super Mutants and lots of junk for crafting. Harper’s Ferry has Super Mutants, Ghouls, and Scorched which is great for experience and is also a great spot for finding Legendary Gear.

9 Head East

The best way to gain lots of experience is to challenge tougher enemies. The tougher an enemy is the more experience they will drop upon death. Even more so if the enemy is above the player’s level. Finding a way to take down overpowered foes can lead to quick leveling.

Generally speaking, the player will want to head east to find these enemies. The east side of the map will have the more dangerous areas like Savage Divide that houses all kinds of threats. Players looking to level quickly and be challenged should head there.

8 Delegate The Finishing Blow

After a player has landed a hit on an enemy they will receive the experience from the enemy no matter who lands the finishing blow. Clever players can quickly slap around a few enemies and then retreat to safety and let robots, turrets at CAMP, allies, or even friends do the killing for them.

It’s a bit cheap to start fights and let someone else finish them, but it is a very quick way to gain experience. It may also be necessary when fighting enemies that are too powerful and the player’s only option is to fall back to let others deal with it or get killed.

7 Participate In Events

Events are happening all the time in Fallout 76 and are a fantastic and often fun way to quickly gain experience. Many times the player will receive experience for fulfilling the steps to complete a task and then receive a lump of experience as a reward.

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Chaining together several hunting and crafting activities is a solid way to quickly gain experience. Sure it might be less efficient to kill enemies in a clown outfit, but it certainly breaks up the monotony of doing the same thing over and over again.

6 Defend The Workshops

One activity that is very lucrative for players both in terms of experience and supplies is defending workshops. While the workshop is busy mining materials they’ll sometimes come under attack from various enemies.

Players will get experience for every enemy they kill and receive experience for successfully defending the workshops. On top of that, they’ll receive a number of materials that can be used for crafting for even more experience. It’s a great way to level and improve gear or funds.

5 Be Inspirational

If the player enjoys a bit of co-op play then it can pay off to have a Charisma-based build. The reason behind this is to obtain the Inspirational Perk. With this perk, the player will gain 5% more experience than they would otherwise.

This perk can be enhanced to Rank 3. At Rank 3 the perk will provide a 15% bonus to players who are on a team. Considering a team is a great way to fight tougher enemies and gain experience this bonus is a nice perk on top.

4 Be Intelligent

If players are planning on spending most of their time solo, or want to increase the gains of teamplay further, they should have an Intelligence-based build. Each point of Intelligence offers a bonus to experience that’s a little over 2%.

With 15 points invested in Intelligence, the player could have a 30% boost to experience gain. Once the player has the level they want they can simply redistribute the ability points to a more interesting build. At the very least having a few points in Intelligence isn’t bad for any build and comes with a nice bonus to experience gains.

3 Consumables With Mutations

When grinding for experience there are a number of consumables the player can use to boost their gains. Cranberry Juice will provide 2% boost to experience for an hour after being consumed. Canned Meat Stew and Cranberry Cobbler provide 5%. Cranberry Relish or Tasty Squirrel Stew is best at 10%.

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With the Carnivore or Herbivore mutation, those buffs can be doubled. Carnivore will make meat-based consumables, like Tasty Squirrel Stew provide a 20% boost, but negate the effects of Cranberry Relish. The reverse is true for the Herbivore mutation as well. It does require farming for those items, but a 20% boost during a farming session is a fantastic way to level faster.

2 Lunchboxes

Lunchboxes are a controversial, but effective way to improve experience gains. Each Lunchbox, when utilized will provide a 25% boost and can be stacked four times to provide a 100% boost. That means killing an enemy will offer double the experience.

The downside is the only way to obtain them is by buying them from Mortimer or Saumel for 100 Gold Bullions each. It’s important to note that every player gets a total of five thousand gold bullion and no more. So each Lunchbox bought represents a potential high-end legendary recipe locked away forever.

1 Efficiency Trumps Everything

When looking to level a character the player should remember that efficiency trumps everything else if they want to do it quickly. This means using resources and time to leveling. Every bottlecap should be put towards obtaining the right consumables, ammo, and better gear to improve leveling.

It also means not being afraid to waste a bit of cash. It’s far better for the player to buy ammo from a high-priced player vending machine than take the time to go to a merchant with better prices. Time spent away from farming is worth more than the handful of caps they could save. Once the player hits their ideal level there are a number of ways to raise caps quickly, until then everything should go towards experience growth.

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