Vampire The Masquerade: 5 Skills All Kindred Should Prioritize (& 5 To Just Forget)

Vampires in Vampire: The Masquerade exists inside the World of Darkness. Unfortunately, this darker TTRPG setting puts Vampires in the same world as Werewolves, Mages, Hunters, and other supernatural creatures in a world where conspiracies and evils lurk in almost any corner. In turn, Vampires only survive if they remain on top of their game at all times. However, this requirement means Vampires need to use their skillsets to navigate today’s harsh Kindred society and the World of Darkness as a whole.

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Thankfully, Kindred in the TTRPG (and in the Bloodlines 2 game adaptation) not only have their Disciplines or vampiric gifts to use in the game world. Rather, Vampires also possess a straightforward set of Skills that reflect their skills before and after their transformation. However, which Skills should Kindred prioritize? Moreover, are there bad Skills that might lead them to their unfortunate Final Death?

10 Get This: Politics

In the World of Darkness, connections are everything. Unlike other TTRPGs that need a great balance between combat and storytelling, Masquerade puts heavy emphasis on establishing relationships with various contacts. In that context, Politics (Mental) will almost always help players see the bigger picture, regardless of who they’re dealing with.

Essentially, Politics has everything to do with knowing bureaucratic maneuvers and political processes. A Vampire familiar with Politics can help identify the political implications of words and actions. Granted, not all things NPCs say in the game have agenda behind them. But a Kindred who choose to do or not to do something for NPCs should at least know how their actions can affect other powerful Vampires, directly or indirectly.

9 Just Pass: Crafts

Most broken things just need a bit of repair to get going. A Kindred with Crafts (Mental) has knowledge pertaining to the repair, crafting, and construction of various objects. That way, they’re always the go-to person for repairs. Essentially, nothing really remains “useless” in the hands of a Crafts expert.

Unfortunately, there’s not much overall use for Crafts in Masquerade. At most, Crafts can help a materials-heavy story with a ton of technical processes involved. Moreover, considering the modern setting of the World of Darkness, players with Experience to use may as well train in Computer instead of Crafts.

8 Get This: Streetwise

Since organized Kindred factions such as the Camarilla operate inside cities, it helps for Vampires protected by these groups to know exactly where they’re living in. Thankfully, Kindred with a knack for street smarts likely has access to the Streetwise (Social) Skill. Essentially, this Skill allows Vampires to navigate and gather intel inside urban environments. In turn, Kindred with decent Streetwise know which alleys to hide in, where certain people most likely stay, and the difference between casual get-togethers and a drug drop.

Interestingly, the highly-urbanized nature of most Masquerade games almost always rely on city travel. In turn, Kindred with Streetwise can better navigate the streets in both a physical and figurative sense. That way, Kindred can easily identify suspicious individuals in crowds or even explore with greater efficiency.

7 Just Pass: Drive

Vampires of low-status likely work for their Princes as bodyguards, akin to supernatural gangsters and criminals. In turn, these supernatural creatures may still need a getaway driver after a heist or a meeting-gone-wrong. Thankfully, Drive (Physical) reflects a Kindred’s skill in operating vehicles, especially in difficult situations. Theoretically, Drive can settle whether a motorcycle can get under that passing truck a la action movie, or if the Camarilla will have to clean up a dead body.

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However, if players do it right, there may not even a need to invest in Drive at all in a Masquerade game. There won’t be a lot of instances where players get inside vehicles with too much pressure to demand reliance on the Drive Skill. Instead of Drive, players might want to consider Athletics, Stealth, or Larceny. Remember, escaping as a single person is much easier than escaping in a large vehicle.

6 Get This: Occult

In the World of Darkness, Vampires have more than their fellow Kindred and other Vampire Clans to worry about. Unfortunately, the cities they reside in may serve as homes to creatures such as Werewolves, Mages, and Sin-Eaters. Additionally, these creatures also organize into groups that ascribe to their supernatural nature. In turn, Vampires often have to navigate a complex network of traditions and rules that mere textbooks don’t have. Unfortunately, the wrong greeting or the wrong gesture can spark conflict between these groups.

Thankfully, Occult (Mental) lets Kindred access whatever repository of knowledge they have should they have to deal with matters of the supernatural. Kindred with dots in Occult can try to elaborate on certain sociocultural norms and events in the context of supernatural creatures. Mechanics-wise, this element allows players to add their dots on Occult in dots in other Skills to gleam insights on supernatural-exclusive affairs.

5 Just Pass: Academics

Courtesy of their immortality, Vampires often come across knowledge that would otherwise categorize them as “intellectuals.” In turn, new Kindred feel like they can “fit” in if they’re knowledgeable in the arts and humanities, too. Thankfully, some Vampires sire Kindred with existing fascination to humanities, courtesy of the Academics (Mental) Skill. In turn, these Kindred intellectuals can keep up with conversations and discourse on various topics.

Unfortunately, players who want to make more “practical” Masquerade characters might want to stay away from Academics. Granted, in a real-world setting, a lot of people likely possess a number of Academics dots. However, the knowledge gleamed here in the World of Darkness might not be as useful considering the complexity of Kindred society.

4 Get This: Medicine

Despite their immortality, Vampires still have a human body – and therefore share the basic functions of one. Interestingly, Kindred with a keen awareness of biology and anatomy can use this medical knowledge to their advantage – be it through treating others, or skillfully leaving no marks after feeding on a body. Medicine (Mental) reflects a Kindred’s familiarity with medical treatments as well as anatomy and physiology, which can become extremely useful in the gritty World of Darkness.

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Interestingly, of all knowledge Skills, players would want to invest in Medicine first. Inside combat, players can use Medicine to assess injuries and apply first aid. During roleplaying, investigative players can use Medicine to study crime scenes.

3 Just Pass: Science

Science is real, magic and spells aren’t. Sometimes, people just have a knack for the sciences – Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, and the works. Vampires who sired people of intellectual backgrounds often have Science (Mental) dots, reflecting on their innate knowledge of the physical and natural sciences. In turn, some Kindred circles have their fair share of physicists, chemists, and even meteorologists.

Interestingly, players might find ways to use Science to their advantage. A drug supplier turned Vampire likely has an innate knowledge on chemistry under Science, for instance. However, unlike other knowledge Skills, players might not find a lot of practical uses for Science compared to, say, Medicine or Computer.

2 Get This: Empathy

Unfortunately, not everyone has the capacity to understand other people’s emotional states. In Kindred society, those who do possess dots in Empathy (Social). Thanks to Empathy, Kindred can pierce the veil of communication to understand key points that point towards viewpoints and emotions others don’t always show. In turn, Empathy in Masquerade serves as Insight in Dungeons & Dragons.

Granted, other Social Skills such as Subterfuge, Socialize, Persuasion, Intimidation, and Expression can help any Kindred in their socialization. However, Empathy becomes the rope that binds everything together. Without Empathy, players might have a harder time understanding the real intentions behind an NPC’s Social check.

1 Just Pass: Animal Ken

Animals often communicate in ways others don’t easily comprehend. Thankfully, Animal Ken (Social) enables Vampires to “understand” how animals behave and act. In turn, Vampires can tame the angriest of dogs or the wildest of bears. Moreover, other Vampires may even befriend the most loyal dogs of a powerful NPC.

However, unlike other Social Skills, Animal Ken might not be as beneficial in the context of the World of Darkness. Remember, animals aren’t always everywhere. Moreover, it’s much easier for new players to converse with other people instead of interpreting what other animals want to do.

NEXT: The Elder Scrolls: 10 Surprising Things To Know About Vampires


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