Call Of Duty Warzone: 10 Mistakes Everyone Makes While Playing Squad

One of the biggest reasons for failure is the mistakes players make in a squad. Here’s how to recognize these mistakes and become unstoppable.

Since the dawn of time gamers have struggled with battle royales like Call of Duty: Warzone, but it’s not always skill that wins games, most of the time its tactics, which many squads lack. They are usually simple mistakes but as many know, the smallest mistake can be the difference between winning or getting sent to the Gulag.

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The best players have recognized these simple mistakes and work to change them, allowing their squads to be well above the rest. So if any squad avoids these, they’re sure to see their kills, wins, and skills shoot through the roof.

10 Not Working As A Team

It may seem ridiculous but it’s so common to see squads failing to work as a well-oiled team, even those in clans or on a chat of their own!

Most of the time the player will see a mixture of callouts, arguments about locations, and really just disagreements all around, not to mention a lack of communication when playing without a voice chat. The best teams know each other’s strengths and all have an idea about the goal and how to achieve it. Make sure you communicate with the team, throw them cash, ammo, and weapons if they need it, they could be the difference between a 3 on 1 battle or a 3 on 3.

9 No Variety

One of the most common mistakes when new players begin Warzone as a squad is not building a specific class. However, when you land in a squad of 4 and you all have AR’s the gameplay itself is extremely limited, not to mention the squad becomes a bit of a one-trick pony.

It’s vital to build a select class for this style of gaming and even more important to communicate with the squad and make sure everyone plays to their strengths and you have enough close-range and long-range weapons to take out enemies wherever you are.

8 Splitting Up

Anyone who’s played Warzone before will have experience the squad splitting up, getting caught by a full team, and getting team wiped pretty much instantly.

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It doesn’t matter if you’re the best CoD player in the world, one of you against a well-formed squad will never end well. It’s all too common to see players splitting up and going on their own tangents, which is pretty much a death wish when it comes to squads. If sticking with your teammates isn’t your thing, play it solo.

7 Positioning

Warzone is a fast-paced and rather stressful game, so most players tend to drop into the edge of the map and end up getting chased by the deadly gas. While you do get to loot in peace, it’s deadly in those final battles.

The best way is to land on the edge of the circle and camp a building that watches the gas coming in, this way you and your squad can pick off players when they come rushing through. Those running from the gas have an incredible disadvantage compared to those with snipers on the building above.

6 Rushing

Due to Warzone being extremely fast-paced many players and squads alike rush their way through, forcing kills, never backing down from a fight, and simply pushing from group to group. Again, it’s not a bad idea if the squad has the skill and the right loot but it’s a risky strategy that rarely pays off.

The best trick for new players is to take it slow, position yourself to the edge of the map, be cautious, and only engage or keep fighting if the squad thinks they’ll win the battle.

5 Pushing For Kills

While a good K/D is never a bad thing, Warzone isn’t just about the kills. Sometimes it’s better to hide it out, get the best loot and killstreaks then go in guns blazing at the final fight.

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The best players know when to pick and choose their battles. They know when they don’t need to fight and know when they’ll win or lose. Communicate with the team and discuss if the fight is needed, after all, no one wants the whole team in the gulag.

4 Not Picking Up Contracts

This is easily one of the most common and cost worthy mistakes made in Warzone by both new and old players. Sure, a contract can put you on the wrong side of a bounty or be rather time-consuming but the benefits make it worth it.

These contracts can get you vast amounts of cash, loot, killstreaks, and XP for those level-ups and Battle Pass tiers.  They make the game that little more interesting and can also have other insane benefits like telling you where a squad is or where the next circle will be. Ultimately, contracts are hidden gems.

3 Picking The Wrong Locations

Obviously, the most popular locations depend on where the circle is headed, but if the squad hasn’t got a smart place to land, they’ll be in the Gulag before they even land.

Similar to finding the right positioning, it’s important to avoid locations like the Stadium or well-populated areas if your squad isn’t comfortable with those kinds of battles. It’s again important to communicate with the squad and find that perfect location then do the same when moving into the map, find a good location that isn’t the most open or populated area on the map.

2 Buying The Wrong Thing

When a player gets to the Buy Stations it can be extremely tempting to spend all your money on ammo or armor but when there are opportunities to get hold of loadout drops, self revive kits, and a gas mask, it’s unchallenged.

It’s vital to get a loadout drop as soon as you possibly can. The weapon selection in Warzone is limited and when you go up against an enemy with a pistol and they have an MP4 with lasers, stocks, increased mags, and more don’t expect to succeed. As for the self revive kits, they’re perfect for when your teammates can’t get you up in time.

1 Reviving Teammates

This is such a common and vital error many new players make. In the middle of a gunfight one of the teammates goes down so the other picks up the cover fire while the downed teammate is revived. 2 out of 10 times this may work but more often than not the reviving player gets shot down and it’s straight to the Gulag for that squad.

The best way to go about this scenario is to either wait for the other team to die, or get the downed player to somewhere behind cover. If killing the opposing team isn’t possible then either let the player die or hope they have a self revive kit on them, it’s too risky to put the entire squad in danger. The most important thing to remember is, don’t panic.

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