Final Fantasy 14: How To Beat The Dancing Plague Trial

Final Fantasy 14 is Square-Enix’s highly popular MMO and for anyone who has been waiting to step into its latest expansion Shadowbringers, now is their chance as it has recently been put on sale on all formats. Now is the perfect time to return to Eorzea, or venture out for the first time, as the Futures Rewritten patch has just added a whole bunch of new content.

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While progressing through the Shadowbringers content, players will have to tackle the Dancing Plague trial and takedown Titania, the fallen faerie king, and Lightwarden. For how to unlock the trial, its requirements, and how to beat the boss, just read on.

5 How to Unlock the Trial and Its Requirements

The Dancing Plague trial is unlocked via the progression of the main scenario quest “Acht-la Ormh Inn”, which is given by Seto in Il Mheg (X:30.6, Y:7.6). Seto will guide players to investigate the castle gate, which will unlock the trial and players must defeat Titania in order to complete this quest. Players must be level 73 in order to accept this quest and have completed the previous main scenario quest “Memento of a Friend”.

This trial requires an 8-man party consisting of two healers, two tanks, and four DPS roles. Any participant who is level 75 or above will be synced down to level 74. For pre-formed parties that meet the size requirements, all role restrictions are lifted. There are four phases in total to this battle, each of which has different battle mechanics and moves that Titania will use.

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4 First Phase

The first phase is the easiest, but there’s still a number of things that players should watch out for. For starters, ensure that only the main tank stands in front of Titania as she will often use Divination Rune, which is a tankbuster move spread out in a cone towards whoever has hate. Anyone standing nearby to this can easily get killed.

Players need to keep an eye out for Water Rune, where Titania places four puddles of water in the room. Each puddle needs at least one player standing in it to stop adds from spawning, you can tell this is successful when the purple orbs around the puddle stop moving. Additionally, standing in the puddles grants Fire Resistance Up to players, which is important for Titania’s next move — Flame Rune. Titania will use this approximately 15 seconds after Water Rune. A large fiery fist will appear in the air and a marker will be placed on a player, after which the whole party must stack on this player while ensuring they are in a puddle to share damage and benefit from the resistance buff at the same time.

Titania will also use Bright Sabbath, which is a room-wide AoE move that deals moderate damage. Phantom Rune is an AoE that takes one of two forms, either a donut shape around Titania, in which case players should stack beneath her, or it is a circle around the boss, so players should move out of range and away from Titania. Finally, when Titania’s HP is reduced to about 75%, she will use her Midsummer Night’s Dream move that indicates that she is moving to the next phase of the fight.

3 Second Phase

For this phase, Titania has moved the entire party into an outside arena and her moves have changed. Titania can now use Growth Rune, which summons a large AoE in an 8-point star with roots that keep growing in the direction of the star points. Any player caught in this AoE will be stunned, so the best way to avoid it is to stand on the edge of the arena in order to maximize the time in which to react to the growth.

When Titania uses Frost Rune she will summon several circles in the air in a staggered pattern. Once all have been placed, the circles will begin to detonate in the order in which they were placed, causing massive damage to anyone stood there. Players should move to the circle placed last before detonation, then move to the safe areas once the circles have begun to explode.

Not long after Frost Rune has played out, Titania will use Mist Rune to mark multiple players with large AoE circles, which will cause large spikes to stab through the ground and deal damage to anyone standing in the AoE. Players need to spread out while this is in effect to avoid dealing more damage to their party, which is tricky as this overlaps with the Frost Rune AoE detonating.

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2 Third Phase

At approximately 50% health, Titania will move into the third phase of the battle. She will become untargetable and will summon three treant adds for players to face instead. The three adds are called Puck, Peaseblossom, and Mustardseed and each has its own unique move that it will keep using on the party. Parties may differ in their chosen order of defeating these adds.

Puck can use “Gentle Breeze”, which directs a line of AoE towards a player, however, players need to look out for “Pummel”, a tankbuster move that deals a huge amount of damage towards whoever has hate and anyone near them. Peaseblossom has a similar attack called “Hard Swipe”, but it doesn’t deal as much damage. If the two moves overlap, it can be particularly deadly, so it’s advised that the two tanks each take one and keep these guys separate. Peasebloosom can also use Peasebomb, which targets random players with AoE. Mustardseed is the easiest of all three, he deals damage in lines in front of him and players can easily avoid these by standing in the safe spots.

After all three have been defeated, Titania will resurrect them in much larger and much deadlier forms, with their moves now reaching further and happening more frequently. Puck gains more than one new move for this part of the fight: Puck’s Caprice is a room-wide AoE move, Puck’s Breath requires the party to use a stacking mechanic, while Puck’s Rebuke is the one to most keep an eye on. It causes a large AoE circle to appear with directional arrows just outside. Puck will hit the circle, instantly killing anyone inside, and knocking everyone outside of the circle back in the direction of the arrows. It is advised that players stand as close to the circle as possible without entering it to minimize the knockback. Be aware, even once the adds are dead, they can continue to use their moves. Once all three adds are defeated again, or if Titania’s Power Gauge reaches 100% as the party didn’t kill the adds quickly enough, then Titania will use “Being Mortal”. This is a room-wide AoE that cannot be avoided.

1 Fourth Phase

After “Being Mortal” is cast, the fight moves into its final phase. Titania retains all of her abilities from both the first and second phases, as well as a new move called “Flame Hammer”. Players should aim to stand in Water Rune puddles for this move as the resistance helps to mitigate the damage. Additionally, if Titania’s Flame Hammer hits onto the floor rather than a puddle, the floor will burst into flame and all players will gain a DoT effect.

Players must continue to avoid Titania’s moves until her health is depleted entirely and the battle is over. A Titania Triple Triad card is a guaranteed drop from this fight.

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