Call of Duty Pro Blazt Is Stepping Away To Focus On Streaming Career

Call of Duty: Warzone fans will have another highly-skilled streamer to watch this year, as pro player Blazt has shared that he will now be streaming the game full-time. Stepping away from the competitive scene to focus on the battle royale title, Blazt has said that his new focus is becoming one of the biggest Call of Duty: Warzone streamers on Twitch.

Boasting a long career and playing on several teams since the beginning of the Call of Duty League, Blazt is as experienced as it comes as far as competitive play is concerned. Starting off on the Los Angeles Guerrillas before moving to the roster of Ground Zero, Blazt and his teammates found success in competitions like the CWL Dallas Open. Despite playing in minor competitions over the past several months, Blazt decided it was time to do something new.

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With the iconic professional player Scump recently making comments about Call of Duty: Warzone that suggest the game will not survive in the competitive scene for long, it makes sense that Blazt would step away. Clearly a big fan of the free-to-play Call of Duty title, it makes sense that Blazt would want a career where he can focus on enjoying the battle royale title. While it was “a tough decision” for Blazt to make, the player firmly believes that he made the right call by choosing to “pursue Warzone full time.”

The streamer thanks the fans that will stick with him on his new path, as Blazt seems to expect some players ceasing to support him following the move. Still, with Call of Duty: Warzone’s DMR problems turning away many huge content creators like Dr Disrespect and NICKMERCS, Blazt could be starting his streaming career at the perfect time. A fresh face with new opinions, a new outlook, and a new style of content could help the former pro win over many new viewers.

Intriguingly, Blazt was not the only Call of Duty star to announce they would stop doing what they’re known for this week. A few days ago, YouTuber TheSmithPlays announced that he would be stepping away from making Call of Duty Zombies videos, citing a loss of passion and being burnt out as a reason. While TheSmithPlays will now be podcasting and making music, ensuring that Call of Duty fans will be losing a source of content, at least Blazt is still keeping his connection to the Call of Duty franchise alive.

While some fans of Call of Duty’s esports scene may be sad to see Blazt moving away from professional gaming, Blazt himself seems excited about the move. Giving him the opportunity to interact with his supporters like never before, there could be a bright future ahead for the former pro.

Call of Duty: Warzone is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: Call of Duty: Warzone FFAR 1 Loadout Guide


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