Pokemon GO: How to Beat Sierra (January 2021) | Game Rant

The majority of players in Pokemon GO will encounter members of Team GO Rocket as they travel around and visit PokeStops. While many of the grunts are pushovers and no threat most of the time, the leaders of Team GO Rocket are a different story.

There are three different administrative leaders that players can initially face in Pokemon GO. Each of them have their own strengths and weaknesses, but they will be a challenge for most players facing them for the first time.

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Sierra is one of the three leaders that players can face. While her first Pokemon will always remain the same, her second and third party members will be different each time players encounter her. Her team composition is:

  • First Pokemon – Drowzee
  • Second Pokemon – Sharpedo, Exeggutor, or Lapras
  • Third Pokemon – Houndoom, Alakazam, or Shiftry

Drowzee is a pure psychic-type Pokemon that will always be the first Pokemon players will face when going up against Sierra. Being a pure psychic-type, Drowzee is weak to bug, ghost, and dark-type moves. It however is resistant to fighting and psychic-type moves.

The best bug-type Pokemon to bring up against Drowzee include:

  • Mega Beedrill – Bug Bite or Infestation and X-Scissor
  • Pinsir – Bug Bite or Fury Cutter and X-Scissor
  • Scizor – Fury Cutter and X-Scissor

The best ghost-type Pokemon for this fight include:

  • Mega Gengar – Shadow Claw or Lick and Shadow Ball
  • Origin Form Giratina – Shadow Claw and Shadow Ball
  • Chandelure – Hex and Shadow Ball

Finally, the best dark-type Pokemon to take down Drowzee include:

  • Mega Houndoom – Snarl and Foul Play
  • Tyranitar – Bite and Crunch
  • Weavile – Snarl and Foul Play

Sharpedo is a dual water and dark-type Pokemon. It has the possibility of being Sierra’s second Pokemon in her party. Due to its typing, Sharpedo is weak to fighting, bug, grass, electric, and fairy-type moves. It also resists ghost, steel, fire, water, ice, and dark-type moves. If players know that Sierra is using Sharpedo in their current encounter, they can prepare for it.

The best fighting-type Pokemon to use against Sharpedo include:

  • Machamp – Counter and Dynamic Punch
  • Lucario – Counter and Aura Sphere
  • Conkeldurr – Counter and Dynamic Punch

Like with Drowzee, the best bug Pokemon to bring against Sharpedo are:

  • Mega Beedrill – Bug Bite or Infestation and X-Scissor
  • Pinsir – Bug Bite or Fury Cutter and X-Scissor
  • Scizor – Fury Cutter and X-Scissor

With grass-type Pokemon, the best to use against Sharpedo are:

  • Mega Venusaur – Vine Whip and Frenzy Plant
  • Torterra – Razor Leaf and Frenzy Plant
  • Venusaur – Vine Whip and Frenzy Plant

The electric-type Pokemon to use are:

  • Raikou – Thunder Shock and Wild Charge
  • Electivire – Thunder Shock and Wild Charge
  • Zekrom – Charge Beam and Wild Charge

Finally, the best fairy-type Pokemon for this job include:

  • Gardevoir – Charm and Dazzling Gleam
  • Togekiss – Charm and Dazzling Gleam
  • Granbull – Charm and Play Rough

The second option for Sierra’s second Pokemon is Kantonian Exeggutor. This Pokemon is a dual grass and psychic-type Pokemon giving it weaknesses to flying, poison, bug, ghost, fire, ice, and dark type moves. It is also resistant to fighting, ground, water, grass, electric, and psychic-type moves.

The best flying-type Pokemon to bring along for Exeggutor include:

  • Mega Pidgeot – Gust and Brave Bird
  • Moltres – Fire Spin and Overheat
  • Rayquaza – Air Slash and Aerial Ace

For poison-types, the following are recommended:

  • Victreebel – Acid and Sludge Bomb
  • Vileplume – Acid and Sludge Bomb
  • Roserade – Poison Jab and Sludge Bomb

Just like the previous two Pokemon, the best bug-types for the job include:

  • Mega Beedrill – Bug Bite or Infestation and X-Scissor
  • Pinsir – Bug Bite or Fury Cutter and X-Scissor
  • Scizor – Fury Cutter and X-Scissor

For ghost-types, these are still recommended:

  • Mega Gengar – Shadow Claw or Lick and Shadow Ball
  • Origin Form Giratina – Shadow Claw and Shadow Ball
  • Chandelure – Hex and Shadow Ball

With fire-types, players can make great use of these Pokemon:

  • Mega Charizard Y – Fire Spin and Blast Burn
  • Mega Charizard X – Fire Spin and Blast Burn
  • Entei – Fire Fang and Overheat

The best ice-types against Exeggutor include:

  • Mega Abomasnow – Powder Snow and Weather Ball (Ice)
  • Weavile – Ice Shard and Avalanche
  • Galarian Darmanitan – Ice Fang and Avalanche

Finally, the best dark-types are:

  • Mega Houndoom – Snarl and Foul Play
  • Tyranitar – Bite and Crunch
  • Weavile – Snarl and Foul Play

Lapras is the final possibility for Sierra’s second party slot. This Pokemon is a dual water and ice-type Pokemon, making it weak to fighting, rock, grass, and electric-type moves. It also resists water and ice-type moves.

Those who want to use fighting-type Pokemon are recommended to use:

  • Machamp – Counter and Dynamic Punch
  • Lucario – Counter and Aura Sphere
  • Conkeldurr – Counter and Dynamic Punch

With rock-type Pokemon, the best to use are:

  • Tyranitar – Smack Down and Stone Edge
  • Rhyperior – Smack Down and Rock Wrecker
  • Rampardos – Smack Down and Rock Slide

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For grass-type Pokemon, the ones that will put out the most damage are:

  • Mega Venusaur – Vine Whip and Frenzy Plant
  • Torterra – Razor Leaf and Frenzy Plant
  • Venusaur – Vine Whip and Frenzy Plant

Finally, the best electric-type Pokemon include:

  • Raikou – Thunder Shock and Wild Charge
  • Electivire – Thunder Shock and Wild Charge
  • Zekrom – Charge Beam and Wild Charge

The first possibility for Sierra’s final team member is Houndoom. This Pokemon is a dual dark and fire-type Pokemon, making it weak to fighting, ground, rock, and water-type moves. It also resists ghost, steel, fire, grass, ice, and dark-type moves.

The best fighting-type Pokemon for Houndoom include:

  • Machamp – Counter and Dynamic Punch
  • Lucario – Counter and Aura Sphere
  • Conkeldurr – Counter and Dynamic Punch

For ground-type Pokemon, the best to bring along are:

  • Groudon – Mud Shot and Earthquake
  • Garchomp – Mud Shot and Earthquake
  • Rhyperior – Mud Slap and Earthquake

With rock-types, the ones recommended are:

  • Tyranitar – Smack Down and Stone Edge
  • Rhyperior – Smack Down and Rock Wrecker
  • Rampardos – Smack Down and Rock Slide

Finally, the best water-types for the job include:

  • Mega Blastoise – Water Gun and Hydro Cannon
  • Swampert – Water Gun and Hydro Cannon
  • Kyogre – Waterfall and Surf

The second possibility for Sierra’s final team member is Alakazam. This Pokemon is a pure psychic-type Pokemon, giving it weaknesses to bug, dark, and ghost-type moves.

Alakazam has the same typing, weaknesses, and resistances as Sierra’s Drowzee. This means that players can use what they used to counter Drowzee in order to take down Alakazam if they know that it is coming.

The final possible party member for Sierra is Shiftry. This Pokemon is a dual grass and dark-type which makes it weak to fighting, flying, poison, bug, fire, ice, and fairy-type moves. It also has many resistances with it resisting ground, ghost, water, grass, electric, and dark-type moves.

Like usual, the best fighting-type Pokemon to use for Shiftry are:

  • Machamp – Counter and Dynamic Punch
  • Lucario – Counter and Aura Sphere
  • Conkeldurr – Counter and Dynamic Punch

With flying-type Pokemon, the best ones to bring include:

  • Mega Pidgeot – Gust and Brave Bird
  • Moltres – Fire Spin and Overheat
  • Rayquaza – Air Slash and Aerial Ace

Those who want to use poison-type Pokemon should use:

  • Victreebel – Acid and Sludge Bomb
  • Vileplume – Acid and Sludge Bomb
  • Roserade – Poison Jab and Sludge Bomb

The bug-type Pokemon to use against Shiftry are:

  • Mega Beedrill – Bug Bite or Infestation and X-Scissor
  • Pinsir – Bug Bite or Fury Cutter and X-Scissor
  • Scizor – Fury Cutter and X-Scissor

With fire-type Pokemon, the most powerful include:

  • Mega Charizard Y – Fire Spin and Blast Burn
  • Mega Charizard X – Fire Spin and Blast Burn
  • Entei – Fire Fang and Overheat

For ice-type Pokemon, the ones for the job are:

  • Mega Abomasnow – Powder Snow and Weather Ball (Ice)
  • Weavile – Ice Shard and Avalanche
  • Galarian Darmanitan – Ice Fang and Avalanche

Finally, the fairy-types to use are:

  • Gardevoir – Charm and Dazzling Gleam
  • Togekiss – Charm and Dazzling Gleam
  • Granbull – Charm and Play Rough

Players should note that if they lose against Sierra and rematch her again in the same encounter, her team will remain the same. This makes it easier for players to plan around her team and match up weaknesses shared by most or all of her party for the encounter. Many of her Pokemon share weaknesses against bug-type Pokemon, making them especially recommended for the first attempt against her.

Pokemon GO is available now in select regions on Android and iOS devices.

MORE: Pokemon GO: Best Pokemon for Master League Classic

Source: Game Press


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