Some Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Fans Think Next DLC Fighter is From Bandai Namco Franchise

Ever since Super Smash Bros. Ultimate surprised its fans with Sephiroth of the Final Fantasy franchise, players have been wondering who will claim the coveted spot as the next fighter in Fighters Pass Vol. 2. Fan theories are always rampant for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate characters, and this time it seems a popular theory believes a character from third-party publisher Bandai Namco will be claiming the next fighter slot.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has continued its run as a powerhouse title for Nintendo, with many gamers believing it to be the best game of the franchise since Super Smash Bros. Melee. The Super Smash Bros. games have always benefitted from a thriving playerbase and tournament scene, with online tournaments like the recent Dark Reunion becoming more prevalent since COVID-19. The scheduled release of new fighters for the game every few months keeps players invested and curious about which franchise will be represented next, and one fan theory gaining traction believes that franchise will be under the Bandai Namco banner.

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The theory follows an idea that the announcement of the potential Bandai Namco fighter will coincide with the Tales of Festival sometime in the spring, which will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Tales RPG franchise. The Tales games have been a Bandai Namco staple since Tales of Phantasia in 1995, and its upcoming title Tales of Arise is one of the most anticipated JRPGs of 2021. But it’s Lloyd Irving from Tales of Symphonia that fans believe has the best shot at becoming the next fighter. His Mii fighter skin was present in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS but is not present in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and Bandai Namco currently has only Pac-Man to represent it.

While Lloyd Irving could definitely be the next fighter, predicting fighters has never been easy for the Super Smash Bros. community. No one expected Pirahna Plant to feature as a fighter, and the Min Min from ARMS introduction certainly didn’t meet any long-held hopes by fans. Lloyd Irving does seem to be a popular choice in Japan, while hopes for Crash from the Crash Bandicoot series and Sora from the Kingdom Hearts franchise dominate the U.S. Waluigi has been one of the oldest requests to achieve fighter status, while fans of the indie hit Hades have weighed in lately as to why Zagreus should be the next fighter.

But no matter who is released next, there will still be tw slots left for new fighters in Fighters Pass Vol. 2. One Super Smash Bros. Ultimate leaker thinks they know exactly who will fill the remaining slots, and their guesses should excite Doom and Rayman fans. Ultimately, the decision rests with the game’s creator, Masahiro Sakurai, who often details his decisions to the Super Smash Bros. community when a new character is released. Until there’s more information concerning the next fighter, fans should enjoy Sephiroth and keep March or April in their sights for new developments.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is exclusively available now for the Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Sephiroth Kirby is Hit with Fans

Source: SmashBoards


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