As Assassin’s Creed Valhalla players explore the world and complete missions, they will eventually encounter a mysterious group called the Order of the Ancients. This organization will chase after Eivor or be chased as the player tries to take down its members. One of these members is Gifle, the Ash-Spear. Locating the Ash-Spear in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla takes some investigating, but luckily there are only a few clues players need to find.
The Ash-Spear should be hunted down once players are close to level 55. There are three clues that they must find and follow in order to uncover the Ash-Spear’s location and take him down. The investigation into this Order of the Ancients member can be started by finding a certain character in East Anglia and killing them.
The Order of the Ancients, Oil Order, and Adze Order members are found in different ways. This member can be tracked down by first locating a zealot named Wuffa. Players need to locate Wuffa northwest of Forest Hideout, halfway to Ractborough. Wuffa is listed as a friend to the Ash-Spear and is known for mortally wounding her targets. She is a tricky one to fight but shouldn’t be too difficult for most players at this stage. On her body is a clue that leads the player to the next clue.
After Wuffa, the player needs to head to the Roman tower that lies north of Northwic, still in East Anglia. If the player looks around this tower, they will find a wooden cart near the front. Sitting on the back of this cart is the next clue that must be followed. This clue is a nice break from some of the more challenging items to find in the game, such as Thor’s Armor or Petra’s Arc bow.
The next step is for Eivor to head to a specific bandit camp in East Anglia. This is located between Britannia’s Watch and Thetford Village. As the player investigates this camp, they will come across a wooden table with a rolled note sitting on it. Collecting this will update the player’s dossier on the mysterious Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Order member and identify him as Palatinus Gifle.
The final step in this series is to go find Gifle and assassinate him. The player can find the Ash-Spear in a hideout in Thetford’s Forest. Specifically, he is at the highest point of the forest, southwest of the Roman ruins near Brittania’s Watch. On the map, this area is surrounded by water in the middle of the forest. Gifle has several allies around him but can be assassinated however Eivor likes. Once dead, the player can move on to the next target on the list.
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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