As players fight their way through the Viking world of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, there are many locations and missions that require the player to follow clues. Some of these lead to powerful weapons and armor, while others lead to assassination targets. One of these targets, The Lathe, is a member of a powerful group that Eivor must take down in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.
The Lathe is a member of the mysterious Order of the Ancients. This group will come after Eivor if they aren’t taken out first. These members have hidden identities that are revealed at the end of a trail of clues. The investigation for The Lathe isn’t terribly difficult to follow, but there is a suggested player power level of 90 in order to not struggle too much.
The first clue for tracking down The Lathe can be gathered from the corpse of Horsa, an Order zealot. This target can be located in Oxenefordscire, just south of the Alne river. The player can choose any method of taking down this enemy but ranged attacks, such as with Petra’s Arc bow, makes the fight easier. Once slain, Eivor can grab the clue and start the hunt for the others.
The next step for Eivor is to go defeat the Orlog dice champion. This person can be found in Buckingham’s inn north of the river in Oxenefordscire. Once at the inn, the player must find the Anglo-Saxon woman who wants to play dice and defeat her. Orlog can be tricky to win for players that haven’t spent much time practicing, so this part of the investigation may take some time. Upon winning the game, Eivor will receive a note that reveals the next clue.
The player must head to Eatun Barn, which can be found southeast of Oxeneforda. Once there, they must investigate a sealed chamber that is nestled into the nearby hill. The way is blocked by rocks, but these can be blasted away with a nearby urn. Once inside, Eivor can move a large boulder to find a hidden room behind it. On the ground in this room is the final clue for The Lathe, now identified as Preost Mucel.
Mucel is located in Buckingham, likely repairing ships at the docks. Eivor should have little trouble sneaking up on him and stabbing him in the back to eliminate this member of the Order. After Mucel, there are still more Order members to take down and more clues to uncover. The Order of the Ancients is only one of the several factions that can be investigated and assassinated, so players better get used to these clue trails.
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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