Summons are an integral part to any player’s strategy in the Final Fantasy series. Throughout the games these beings have provided defensive, offensive, and healing support for the player’s party. A significant grind in any of the games is unlocking the more powerful summons.
In fact, the developers have locked a few away behind complex algorithms, formulaic attacks, and even the final bosses themselves because they’re so strong. Here are some of the most powerful to ever appear in the franchise.
10 Diabolos (FF Type-O)

Diabolos from Final Fantasy Type-O may not be the most powerful in terms of raw damage, but he sticks around longer in battle and can heal himself. This is due to the fact that every attack drains the enemies’ health and is used to heal him.
There is also the signature move Gravitation Ball that will drain the health of enemies, form a large sphere of energy, and launch it at the enemy for massive damage. Combine the high damage with massive healing and Diabolos is a force to be reckoned with.
9 Ark (FFIX)

Boasting a near two minute attack time, the Ark is a powerful summon that can dramatically change the outcome of any battle it’s called to. Two minute cutscenes can seem excessive, but with a brutal shadow-based attack dealt to all enemies via Eternal Darkness it can be worth it.
The Ark also receives a boost to its spell power for every unit of Lapis Lazuli in the player’s inventory. Considering there are around 40 in the game that’s a solid power boost. Even without that boost it has the highest base damage of any summon in Final Fantasy IX. It’s too bad it’s locked behind the two toughest bosses in the game.
8 Odin (FFIX)

Odin has appeared in a number of Final Fantasy games, but his most powerful version by far was in Final Fantasy IX. If the player has 99 Ore in their inventory Odin has a 50% chance of killing any enemy outright with Zantetsuken.
Conversely if the player has Odin’s Sword activated and no ore in their inventory than Zantetsuken will deal increased damage to any enemy that survives the attack. It’s up to the player whether they want 50% of instant death or higher damage with every hit. Either way it’s a brutal Summon to have in battle.
7 Magus Sisters (FFX)

The Magus Sisters are a trio of death on the battlefield. Cindy is a master of healing and magical attacks, Mindy deals black magic and defends the party, while Sandy is a master of physical attacks and support. Combined the three can damage all enemies, heal the party, and provide buffs.
Their signature move Delta Attack will cause all sisters to attack simultaneously and deal a little under six hundred thousand points of damage to a single target. The only catch and why they don’t rank higher is that the sisters cannot be directly controlled and will largely do what they want in battle.
6 Anima (FFX Remaster)

This summon with a tragic backstory is one of the more powerful in Final Fantasy X Remaster. Anima’s Pain attack can outright kill most opponent and deal significant damage to those who are immune to Death magic. Especially when it also bypasses any defenses the enemy may have.
Her signature move Oblivion is also devastating as it’s a sixteen hit combo. In the remastered game each hit can deal a max of 99,999. If every hit is perfect she can deal a little over 1.5 million points of damage in one move.
5 Shemhazai (FF Tactics A2: Grimoire Of The Rift)

Appearing as a special type of Summon called a Scion, Shemhazai is a ferocious ally to have. She has only one attack called Soul Purge that comes with a 100% accuracy. It’s damage is a bit different in that it can one of the most brutal attacks in the franchise or mediocre at best.
This is because it’s entirely based on the total damage the character who’s summoned her has done over the course of the game. If that character has been around for a while, fought many enemies, and dealt impressive damage Shemhazai’s attack will be incredible. With the right character she can one-hit-kill just about anyone.
4 Bahamut ZERO (FF Type-O)

Bahamut ZERO is by far the strongest iteration of Bahamut in the games. It’s a level 99 Eidolon with the brutal breath attack Megaflare. Megaflare on it’s own is indeed strong, but its full potential is realized when it’s fully charged.
When fully charged Megaflare becomes Giga Flare, when that’s fully charged it becomes Tera Flare. Tera Flare summons a number of Bahamuts to its side where they all concentrate a simultaneous attack on the same enemy.
3 Phoenix (FFVII)

Phoenix is easily the strongest Summon in Final Fantasy VII and is strong contender for the entire franchise. The reason for this is its iconic move Rebirth Flame. Rebirth Flame will deal massive fire damage to every opponent on the battlefield.
But it will also cause all down party members to be instantly revived and fully healed if Concentrate is equipped. Basically the only surviving party member can be the summoner who can call down Phoenix to just about kill the enemy party and bring all allies back to life.
2 Knights of the Round (FFVII)

The most powerful Summon in Final Fantasy VII are the Knights of the Round who are absolute beasts in combat. During the move Ultimate End each of the thirteen knights will perform a separate attack that’s a combination of various elemental magics and physical strikes. All attacks will ignore magic defense.
This attack is enough to kill everything except the powerful Weapons, Final Boss, and Chocobos which can’t be killed anyway. It’s a one hit wonder as the MP cost is absurd and the animation time is atrocious.
1 Yojimbo (Final Fantasy X)

The strongest Summon in the franchise is Yojimbo from Final Fantasy X. This Samurai mercenary waits in a cave for a player to come along with enough Gil to hire them. His power comes from a player willing to spend hundreds of thousands of Gil for his services and a complex formula.
But with the right cash and a bit of luck he can one hit kill any foe in the game. That includes final bosses, secret bosses, and so on. It’s a move called Zanmato and requires a guide in and of itself to improve the odds of Yojimbo using it, but meeting those requirements makes him the single strongest Summon of the Final Fantasy series.

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