10 Tips For Conquering The Seas Solo In Sea Of Thieves

Typically pirating is a team experience in Sea Of Thieves, but many players are finding the solo life can be a fun, if challenging experience. It comes with its own strategies, precautions, and can be much more hands-on than a multipayer experience is.

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For players who either lack the connections or time to commit to team play solo is a perfectly viable way to enjoy this game. It is important to keep certain things in mind to be competent on the high seas and avoid drowning or falling prey to others. Here are some important tips if players plan on going the lone wolf route of pirating.

10 Learn All Aspects Of The Ship

Because the player will be alone they will need to do everything when sailing a ship. This means they’ll need to steer, manage the sails, check the horizons, raise and lower the anchor, and other activities. This can get complicated, especially in stressful situations like a storm or being attacked, so knowing what to do is invaluable.

Taking some time to understand the various parts of the ship is important for solo players. Once they understand each of the parts then they can learn the order of things for various scenarios. It’s a bit of a learning curve that takes some planning and careful timing, but it becomes second nature with some practice.

9 Sail Straight

One helpful tip for players learning to pilot a Sloop solo is to make sure the ship is sailing as straight as possible before walking away from the wheel. It will take some time to unfurl or raise sails, climb the crow’s nest and other activities. During that time the ship can veer off course towards dangerous waters.

To avoid hitting rocks or having to do a serious course correction and losing time the player should make sure the ship is heading as straight as possible. The rule of thumb is to line up the gold handle with the center of the mast.

8 Dock In The Shadows

Playing as a solo player in this multiplayer game can be fraught with danger as teams will take note of lone players and hound them for an easy kill. As a result it pays to be extra cautious in deciding where to dock and leave the boat behind.

There will be no one to guard it while the player is running errands, fishing, and making repairs so it pays to be somewhere out of the way. Tucked behind some rocks and on the edge of an island are great spots to take a breather and avoid being attacked. It isn’t fool proof, but it minimizes encounters.

7 A Few Chests At A Time

Another risky aspect of playing solo is dropping off chests to the Gold Hoarders. With a team this isn’t a big deal as players can guard the ship while the player deals with the emissary. But solo any second spent away from the ship is a second that other players can sneak on board and cause problems.

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As a result, it’s best to carry no more than two to three chests at a time. This enables the player to make decent profits, offload the chests in a timely manner, and get back to the ship before anyone can seriously consider sneaking aboard.

6 Check Horizons Before & After Docking

Before and after docking it’s a great idea for players to take a second to head to the crow’s nest and check the horizons. Getting into fights as a solo player is often a bad idea and getting boarded while distracted inland is never fun.

While approaching and island and before taking off the player should head up and take a look around. They should make sure to have the anchor pulled up for quick getaways and a straight ship to avoid crashing. Once the coast is clear the player can pull in or out without having to deal with an ambush.

5 Fight In The Blind Spots

Inevitably the player will be forced into battle against a team piloting a Galleon. Initially players may consider this a lost cause and either give up or flee, but skilled and clever players can actually hold their own and occasionally win these battles.

The key is to fight within the Galleon’s blind spots. There are a lot of cannons on board, but they don’t cover everywhere and a fast Sloop can dart in and out of these safe zones while firing on the large ship. It takes time and nerves of steel, but it is possible for a Sloop to take down a Galleon.

4 Stay Stocked

The most important resources for a player sailing solo are Cannon Balls and Planks. During fights player will need to bombard enemy ships with many Cannon Balls, especially when going up against Galleons. Having enough to do the job is important otherwise it’ll be a short fight or the enemy will get away.

It’s also important to have Planks for these fights as even the best solo player is going to take damage. Having extra Planks is also handy when getting the reigns on sailing a ship solo. It takes the sting out of crashing into the beach when docking or when veering off into rocks.

3 Flee Into Obstacles

If the player has run out of Cannon Balls, is going against a talented enemy team, or just doesn’t want to fight it’s important to know the best way to flee. Galleons are faster in straight lines than Sloops, but they are slower when sailing into the wind.

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Sloops are also shallower underneath which can allow them to coast over rocks that would smack into a Galleon. They are also narrow which allows for some winding into rocks and shoals where a Galleon can’t follow. Being small and fast in this multiplayer game is a good thing for solo players

2 Kite Skeletons

When a player fights skeletons solo they will typically spawn in groups of three to five. These aren’t great odds and the player should be clever in how they fight them. Rule of thumb is to kite them continuously. Skeletons are a bit slower than the player so this shouldn’t be too difficult.

The only exception to this rule is if the player can get the Skeletons bottlenecked in a cave opening or similarly narrow path. The general idea is to be patient and chip away at their health and avoid getting surrounded.

1 Learn To Cut Your Losses

At the end of the day solo players are going to suffer losses over the course of gameplay and learning when to accept defeat is important. Sometimes the solo player will be in a situation they can’t win, whether it’s fighting a horrific monster or going against a well-organized team of pirates, stuff happens especially in multiplayer.

For these moments it’s important to have a backup plan to minimize losses. Solo players should always have a rowboat to allow them to escape if a fight on the high seas go south. It’s also important to minimize the amount of loot in a player’s possession so the losses aren’t too high while still remaining profitable.

Next: 7 Multiplayer Games Best Played Solo (& 8 With Friends)


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