Divinity 2: The Best Gift Bags To Use In Every Playthrough

A little while after Divinity: Original Sin 2 released, the developers decided to add gift bags to the game. These gift bags alter the game and allow players to enjoy the game with little enhancements. Some of these enhancements are rather small while some of them change the way the game players.

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If players are getting tired of playing the game, try using the Combat Randomizer gift bag to get a fresh combat experience. Using these gift bags will prevent players from getting trophies so players looking to get all the trophies might want to avoid them.

10 Animal Empathy

During normal gameplay, players will need to spend a talent point on the Pet Pal talent to be able to talk to animals. This is a useful talent because animals offer useful information about puzzles. With the Animal Empathy gift bag, players will be able to talk to animals without spending a talent point. Players who still want to get the Pet Pal talent will get the maximum positive attitude with all the animals they talk to.  It’s easy to see why players started using the gift bags.

9 Fort Joy Magic Mirror

One of the worst things about creating a character is deciding to change them later on only to have to start over. This can easily be solved by using the Fort Joy Magic Mirror. This mirror can be found in the Fort Joy Arena. It can be used to change anything about a player’s character. If a player doesn’t like the way their character looks, they can change it. The same can be done to any of the character’s stats. Even players who decide to change their character late in the game will have access to a second mirror on the Lady Vengeance.

8 From The Ashes/Source Meditation

From The Ashes enhances a player‘s bedroll making it far better than it ever was before. Now, whenever a player has a member of their party die, they can use their bedroll to bring them back to life. Of course, this perk only works outside of combat just like before. Imagine how great it will be to not have to go to extra lengths just to revive teammates. Source Meditation is another gift bag that alters the bedroll and allows it to restore source points.

7 Spirit Vision

Another great gift bag is Spirit Vision. After players leave Fort Joy they will begin to come across spirits. Some of these spirits will offer quests and give players information. They are an important part of the game that players won’t want to miss out on.

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Spirit Vision makes it so the Spirit Vision skill stays active. The only downside to this gift bag is that Spirit Vision will need to be reactivated. It will also need to be used whenever Spirit Vision is needed to solve a puzzle.

6 Hagglers

Traditionally, players will designate one member of their party to handle the money and make purchases. The reason for this is the Bartering skill only applies to one character. With the Hagglers gift bag, the Bartering skill works for every character. Level up one character’s Bartering skill and allow every character to reap the rewards for it. No more forgetting about who the haggler is in the group.

5 Sourcerous Sundries

Players can appreciate the Sourcerous Sundries gift bag since it adds new vendors to the game. These vendors can be found in each of the major hubs. In other words, players will find the new vendors in Fort Joy, Driftwood, The Lady Vengeance, and Arx. These vendors sell new materials that players can use to upgrade the equipment that they find. It is a little pricey, so players should remember to bring plenty of gold with them. Players should also keep in mind that the equipment can only be upgraded to their current level.

4 Endless Runner

The original way to play the game is such a bore. Players are stuck walking throughout the game and it makes it feel like it drags on. The Endless Runner gift bag adds the Fleetfoot ability to the player’s hotbar immediately. Using this ability makes it so the player can move at a faster pace. It also doesn’t need to be reactivated since it automatically reactivates after each battle. Never worry about walking to a destination ever again.

3 Improved Organization

Inventory management is such a pain. Items get scattered throughout the player’s inventory and can end up getting mixed up and become hard to find. The Improved Organization gift fills the player’s inventory with bags for each type of item in the game.

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What makes this even better is that each item a player picks up automatically gets organized. No more confusing inventory screens and no more wondering where every item is located.

2 Divine Talents

The same old talents can get kind of old when creating a new character. The Divine Talents gift bag gives new talents for players to mess around with. These talents include Soulcatcher, Sadist, Master Thief, Magical Cycles, Indomitable, Haymaker, Greedy Soul, and Gladiator. Each of these new talents offers new ways to play a player’s favorite character. Some are able to steal Source and some can even turn allies who die into zombies that gain bonuses from Summoning.

1 8 Action Points

This gift bag is very self-explanatory. The 8 Action Points gift bag gives players and allies eight action points in combat. This is a great way to give players an extra edge in combat if they are struggling. Of course, players will still start with only four action points in a turn, but they can save them up to eight instead of six. If players decide to take the Lone Wolf that eight-point total will go up to ten points.

NEXT: Divinity: Original Sin 2 – 10 Best Skills In The Geomancer Tree


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