Neverwinter Expansion Reveals Some Familiar Areas | Game Rant

Few games have successfully struck the harmonious balance of being both free to play and remaining incredibly engaging, as Cryptic Studio‘s, Neverwinter. Perhaps even more unique, it can boast environments, lore and stories set in the ever expanding and popular Dungeons and Dragons universe, adding an instant sense of both credibility and history to experience.

It would appear long time fans of Neverwinter will not have to wait long for new content and to go on their next adventure. In an intriguing short teaser, Cryptic Studios revealed that long time players can expect to see some familiar places and faces.

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The upcoming 3 part expansion, called Sharandar, will take intrepid players all the way back to an area originally introduced in the first Neverwinter expansion, Fury of the Feywild. Gamers will be reintroduced to the familiar elf woodland areas and maps from over 7 years ago, in 2013. The areas are boasting a re-imagining and graphical overhaul as well, making what was old now new again for adventures and explorers. The expansion is set to go live February 9th, of this year.

For a free to play game released several years ago, it may be surprising to learn that Neverwinter has boasted nearly 2.5 million players and still has upwards of 100,000 players daily. This can be attributed to the Dungeons and Dragons setting and deep lore as well as the developers working tirelessly to create a persistent and interesting world for players to experience.

With no cost of admission and a large thoughtful expansion imminent, Neverwinter may very well see one of its largest and most impressive years yet. With a depth of lore and history, beautiful environments, and meaningful stories, it will be interesting to see if many adventurers once again pick up their swords and venture to into the ancient elven keep of Sharandar.

Neverwinter is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Neverwinter Developer Explains How New Players Can Jump Into Endgame Content

Source: PCGamer


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