Apex Legends Update Fixes Pathfinder Town Takeover Exploit

Some Apex Legends players managed to give themselves an unfair advantage in the new Apex Legends Town Takeover event. The activity, which bases itself on the popular legend Pathfinder, allows players to challenge others to melee-only combat, and whoever wins gets their pick of the loot available in the area. To preserve the event’s integrity, players can’t use weapons in the ring — or at least they couldn’t until some users found an exploit.

As one can imagine, the player with the gun usually took the win over the player who only had their hands and no cover. Luckily, Apex Legends developer Respawn Entertainment has come out with a hotfix for the exploit and put an end to it before it could potentially ruin the new game type. The developer took to social media to let players know that the hotfix was live, and that the hotfix also cleans up several other glitches Apex Legends suffered as well.

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Respawn didn’t detail what exactly the hotfix corrected outside of the gun exploit, so players will have to play the game to find out. Fortunately, they don’t have to wait through a long download, as this is a hotfix so simply booting up Apex Legends will cause it to correct any problems as Respawn intends. Beyond that, Respawn has a Trello board available that players can check out if they want to see every Apex Legends fix made recently.

While players no longer have to worry about being shot in the boxing ring itself when participating in Pathfinder’s Fight Night, they still have to look out for what’s waiting for them outside. Typically, whenever players win their matches, they exit the ring only to be gunned down by whoever’s waiting at the arena’s edge. Whatever guns and loot the winner managed to procure for use outside the arena then ends up stolen.

Respawn Entertainment could potentially fix this by giving winners temporary invincibility when leaving the arena. It would certainly deter others from simply camping the ring’s outer edge. On the other hand, Apex Legends is a battle royale, so the goal is to be the last team standing. With that in mind, one can argue that anyone willing to gather in a well-known and open area of the map with good loot should expect to potentially get killed over said loot.

Apex Legends is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One, with a Switch version also in development.

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