Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: Should You Choose Vili or Trygve as Jarl?

Players will be asked to make a number of choices as they progress through Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, and one such request can come during the game’s Farewells and Legacies quest. More specifically, some fans will be required to pick a brand new jarl during this mission, and they must select between Vili, an old friend, and Trygve. For those Assassin’s Creed Valhalla players that would like a better understanding of the consequences associated with the decision, this guide is here to provide exactly that.

To put things simply, making Trygve jarl (by selecting “I see Trygve as jarl, and you with me.”) will result in Vili joining Eivor’s crew, and players will be able to assign him to their raiding parties thereafter. Conversely, this will not be possible if a fan opts to make Vili jarl (by selecting “I see a jarl in you.”), and this difference is essentially where the consequences of this choice in AC Valhalla end.

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Indeed, Snotinghamscire will become an ally regardless of which character is put in charge, and the choice has no impact at all on what Assassin’s Creed Valhalla ending fans receive. This makes the decision between Vili and Trygve somewhat inconsequential, and players really only need to consider two things when making their selections: how important joining forces with Vili is to them and who they believe will be the best jarl.

To note, there is a choice that arises in a preceding AC Valhalla quest that can have an effect on a fan’s ability to select the new jarl in Farewells and Legacies. That choice centers around Trygve’s desire to burn himself alive, and players that do not convince him to live on will understandably not be able to make him jarl. Ultimately, this will just cause things to proceed as if Vili was picked in Farewells and Legacies, though, and there are thus no major ramifications for letting Trygve die by fire.

While the decision detailed in this guide may not really be very significant, there are definitely some important choices to make in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. For example, deciding to romance Randvi can have a major impact on how the game proceeds, and it can even prevent players for getting the best ending. As such, it is often wise for fans to try to understand the full ramifications of their decisions before they make them, or they may miss out on their preferred conclusion.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: Comparing Assassin’s Creed Valhalla’s Ragnarssons to the History Channel’s Vikings


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