Cyberpunk 2077: Everything You Need To Know About Crafting

Because leveling up has been notoriously difficult in Cyberpunk 2077, players are incentivized to pick skill trees that boost their primary mode of combat. The favorites are usually perks that involve blades, quickhacks, or assault rifles. Gamers who excitedly spent their skill points in crafting when the game was first released were disappointed and frequently started a new save within the opening hours of the game.

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However, as the community learned more about what should stay and what should be changed in the world of Night City, experts discovered that, if anything, crafting should be nerfed. Certain top-tier mods can only be crafted and players who find iconic weapons at uncommon levels will be stuck with a dud unless they learn how to make the weapon legendary. Gamers who plan on spending a good amount of time with Cyberpunk 2077 will want to learn everything the experts know that has made them declare crafting to be one of the very best ways to succeed in the game.

5 Why Craft?

There are three major reasons to craft. It’s a short list, but the ramifications of each are truly astounding.

  • More eddies.
  • Better equipment.
  • Better mods.

Money is not something that players find themselves short on in most RPGs, but Night City has proven to be very stingy with giving out cash. Players initially hoped that the financial strain was just another very common bug, but it seems that keeping V poor is a feature, not a mistake. Vehicles, weapons, and mods all make for an expensive tab, and completing every single side gig can still sometimes not leave players with enough eurodollars. By disassembling junk and turning it into an item of value, this is the one proven method in the game that can get V loaded.

Researchers into the game are likely confused about why damage numbers on the same weapons can be all over the map. These statistics differ based on rarity and hidden item level, but, aside from mods, there is one secret way to have a better weapon when everything else is the same. For crafters, an epic item that has been made into a legendary item is actually better than the initial legendary item. Completing Gun For Hire gigs is made much smoother with superior firepower.

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Certain mods are gated behind crafting and these include many of which are the best in the game. Others can be found, but the chance of finding them maxed out in both rarity and level is virtually non-existent. So crafters will end up having better statistics on their clothing, weapons, and mods than anyone else.

4 Key Skills

For all the love and hate with the character creation process, it’s the skill selection system that really has fans pinched. It’s nearly impossible to maximize any tree even on a full-clear, so it’s important to choose skills wisely. Whether crafting is the focus of the run or it’s being used as a secondary skill, these are the core perks:

  • Scrapper – Junk items are automatically disassembled.
  • Mechanic – Gain more components from disassembling.
  • 200% Efficiency – Crafted clothes gain 2.5%/5% more armor.
  • Field Technician – Crafted weapons deal 2.5%/5% more damage.
  • Tune-Up – Allows V to upgrade lower quality components into higher ones.
  • Cutting Edge – Improves damage and all damage-related stats of crafted weapons by 5%.
  • True Craftsman/Grease Monkey/ Edgerunner Artisan – Allows V to craft Rare/Epic/Legendary items.

Most every other skill decreases the component cost, which is pleasant, but if V completes every Seach and Recover gig or equivalent side questline, there should be more than enough to craft anything relevant to V.

3 Gaining Components

There are several ways the get more components other than just coming across them, these are organized from most to least efficient:

  • Buy junk.
  • Disassemble unwanted items.
  • Buy components.

Buying junk sounds counterintuitive, but gamers can finish every Thievery gig in the game and still not come close to the components gained by purchasing trash. Head to a junk shop, buy their junk, let the Scrapper skill automatically convert these pieces into components, leave, wait for 24 hours, then come back and buy it all again. It’s cheesing the game a bit, but it works. Prioritize the legendary and epic gear, as odds are good that V will have way too many standard and uncommon components eventually.

Cyberpunk 2077 throws gear at V like it’s a Borderlands looter shooter, so 99% of what V finds is not a useful upgrade. By breaking down these pieces, V will be forfeiting any money gained by selling them, but the components can sell for even more than the original cost, so don’t sweat it. Hunting down all of the cyberpsychos can raise stocks of these expendable weapons as well.

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Lastly, V can straight up purchase components from the various clothing shops and weapons dealers in Night City. They only sell a couple at a time, but if V is just a few materials short, it’s a reliable method of getting more in stock.

2 Skill Progression

Sadly, even a maxed out tree doesn’t give V everything necessary to make the best items. It isn’t until leveling up eighteen times via crafting that V gets access to the iconic weapons and clothing crafting. That’s OK, this can be done rapidly.

  • Choose a low-level standard item, such as the MaxDoc Mark 1 or the Bounce Back Mark 1.
  • Make as many of these items as possible.
  • Disassemble them back into pieces.

The player will very slowly run dry basic materials while doing this process, but most of the components will be recovered with each item. Make sure to use standard items that are cheap, plentiful, and easy to gain components back from. It’s not unreasonable, with a huge stockpile, to go from level one to level twenty in just a few minutes of repeatedly building and disassembling.

1 Crafting And Upgrading

That was a huge amount of preparation, but thankfully, this is the easy part, and all of that previous work pays off in spades.

  • Enter the “Crafting” menu.
  • Click on the specs of the desired item.
  • Hit the “Craft” button.

Missing some blueprints? It would be too much to go into every single location and shop for every blueprint here, but a simple online search will help with tracking down specific locations. Many are in weapon, clothing, and medpoint shops, but other unique specs are rewards for side gigs or looted off of targets in NCPD dispatcher missions. This is also the right place to upgrade a special weapon to the next level rarity, meaning a standard iconic weapon can be made into a legendary one.

All of these weapons and clothes have a hidden level as well and it’s likewise simple to increase this number as well, which, in turn, will improve the item.

  • Hit the “Upgrades” tab in the Crafting menu.
  • Click on the item that V wants to upgrade.
  • Hit the “Upgrade” button.

Enjoy the crafting, future tinkerers of Night City!

NEXT: Cyberpunk 2077: All The Endings, Ranked


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