How Would Pokémon Work In Other TV Genres? | Game Rant

Pokémon has been around for decades now and has influenced a whole generation of gamers since 1997. Since then, it has continued to enamor younger generations over and again with its unique blend of friendship and enthusiasm. However, there are those who grew up with the series that would love to see the series evolve past the basics of Ash trying to become a master storyline. In a sense, Pokémon‘s genre as an anime falls under the Shonen category as it follows the heroic journey of a young boy. However, given the wild success of Pokémon spanning decades now, it’s a bit odd that the world hasn’t seen the show take more risks and branch into new territory.

Game Freak and The Pokémon Company are fast approaching the total number of Pokémon in existence surpassing 1,000, so how is it that Pikachu and Ash have such a death grip on the franchise? The franchise has of course flirted with other types of episodes besides battles, from ghost hauntings to Butterfree rescue missions. But it’s never fully crossed into new territory and had to really change the overall concept. This is a world of Pokémon, meaning there’s a world of possibilities audiences have yet to see tapped. Here are a few genres of shows Pokémon should expand to.

RELATED: The 5 Best Legendary Pokemon (& The 5 Worst)

Ah, the Pokémon Center, oasis for injured Pokémon in need of healing. All trainers have fond memories of rushing their near-death Pokémon to one of these facilities. The resident caregiver of this establishment, Nurse Joy, is available to trainers at every single location. Every. Single. One.

There has to be a reason for this level of consistency in customer service that not even McDonald’s can achieve. A Pokémon medical drama limited series could explore the true reasons behind this strange institution of cloned nurses. Is it a front for a covert operation run by Team Rocket? Or is it a weird cloning conspiracy of Dittos being transformed into the ideal nurse? The world needs to know!

Sure, this is stealing a bit from Harold and Kumar, but it’s too perfect not to happen. Bulbasaur and Weedle are a couple of ragamuffins drifting through their mid-twenties after having been relegated to their trainer’s PC storage box. One night while enjoying some herbal refreshment together, the two acquire an insurmountable craving for White Castle that nothing else can satisfy.

The two escape their storage box and set out on a journey together, facing off a Jinx with questionable objectives, a rare Ponyta (nicknamed Rapidhash) that shoots ice instead of fire, and a Mr. Mime that knows no boundaries. It’s the story of best buds audiences didn’t know they needed.

Look, Ash isn’t dumb, but he’s a bit simple in the sense that he only ever seems to do one thing: travel the world with his Pokémon. It would make sense if at some point he decided to take a vacation without his Pokémon friends, and this would be the TV mini-series to explore what happens when he does. For this series, Ash would be going to an island where trainers go to relax without their Pokémon and recharge before re-challenging the Pokémon League.

However, being the simpleton that Ash is he forgets to let his Pokémon know that he’s leaving, and naturally, they panic upon realizing they’ve been left in an unfamiliar place without him. They escape from the island’s holding facility and not knowing that they’re on a vacation island think they’ve been captured by Team Rocket. Pikachu, Piplup, and Lillipup must find a way back to Ash’s house, using their combined move sets to fend off threats of the wild from the open sea all the way back to Pallet Town.

Giovanni is, oddly enough, one of the more fleshed-out characters in the Pokémon universe. He’s not just a trainer, not just a gym leader, but a crime boss. What does this mean? Well, for one the police in this universe are terrible. How has nobody caught on that the guy who went missing from his elite gym is also the leader of the largest organized crime ring in the country?

The second revelation here is that Giovanni would be a great main character. Writers should turn the tables on good old Gio and pick up right after Red defeats him in the original games. Having lost to a 10-year old that also just brought down his crime ring, Giovanni loses all respect from Team Rocket as well as his wife. Even his Persian can’t look at him the same, it’s quite sad. Then, Giovanni remembers that his childhood passion was pizza, and he has to reconcile with his criminal past in order to start serving up the best slice in town.

Giovanni eventually begins to thrive at his new business and even wins the respect of the townsfolk. However, once he hears word that Red, the League Champion will be coming through town, Giovanni must decide if he will poison his own pizza for a chance at revenge or simply accept his new life as a fixture of the community. This is one spicy meatball of a show that simply has to happen.

MORE: The Pokemon Series Does Have One Big Franchise Problem It’ll Have to Solve One Day


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