Call of Duty: Warzone has seen its fair share of bugs, glitches, and tricks. From shooting through walls to watching items fall through stairs, there are a seemingly endless number of glitches that players need to be aware of. Some of these should be avoided, like getting killed by scorestreaks while respawning. Other Call of Duty: Warzone tricks can be used by any player, such as landing on the ground without popping a parachute.
When it comes to parachutes, there are two very different types of players at the start of a match. While some players parachute their way over to a specific location, others try to shoot players out of the sky and risk pulling out their parachute at the last possible moment. This newly discovered trick is in the middle of these two styles, as it allows players to shoot enemies while falling but also requires Warzone players to use a specific strategy in order to survive the fall.
This newly-uncovered Warzone feature was posted on Reddit by user Thexer0 and is already going viral across the community. The trick involves landing on specific textures, and can most safely be attempted by freefalling onto satellite dishes. The video shows how a player can hit a satellite and slide off the side of it unharmed.
The background of this trick involves the actual texture that the player is hitting. Since the satellite dish can’t normally be stood on, it is seen as a barrier rather than a floor. It is similar to when a Warzone player collides with an invisible wall and takes no damage due to there not being a surface to stand on. The game reads the player as not having fully landed yet and slides them off onto the nearest surface.
This trick is particularly useful for players who spend their initial air time shooting at enemies in the hopes of racking up Warzone kills. The player simply needs to wait and jump near a satellite dish, shoot on their way down, and then make sure they collide with the dish. Once they are standing, they can return to shooting players out of the sky.
This trick has made some players remember an infamous viral video where another player faked a fall damage glitch while landing on dumpsters. This trick seems to be the real deal as other players have already taken to using it in their Warzone games. Whether this is something that will be patched out or is harmless enough to remain in the game is unseen at this time.
Call of Duty: Warzone is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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