Deathloop’s Primary Enemy May Help Really Dive into the Mind of an Assassin

From what Arkane Studios has shown of the upcoming title Deathloop, it looks like understanding patterns and learning the different mechanical and personal traits of enemies will be an important step to success. However, one of those enemies revealed in the latest Deathloop trailers might give the most insight on how a to succeed as a time-looping assassin.

This extra enemy would be the Julianna Blake, an enemy assassin that other players can take control of in Deathloop to kill Colt, though she can still appear as an AI character when playing offline. The added impact of this alternate assassin might be exactly the teaching mechanic that players need to really get into the headspace of an assassin, whether they are controlling her or not.

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Both playing as Julianna and having to avoid her can really inform players how they can best take these same tactics into playing as Colt to hunt down his eight targets and break his loop. Julianna can set traps and alter Colt’s path, just like the player character does to the NPCs, and working around an actually thinking person can mean teach players how to adapt strategies on the fly. Altogether, Deathloop‘s toughest villain can train players how to be a master assassin better than any ordinary tutorial can, thanks to enhanced tension of PvP interaction.

As both players and AI hunt Colt down through Julianna, the unconventional way she can move through the map apart from the other targets means players have to always be on guard. Keeping that kind of attention focused on even the smallest detail in every corner of the map incentivizes players to look for new ways to approach scenarios to stay out of sight of the more dynamic enemy. It also means that players will want to move quickly to start influencing Deathloop‘s targets into the best position to kill as quickly as possible in order to avoid staying in one place for too long.

This will drive players to be more efficient with their time, and may even push the type of speed-running community that Deathloop‘s time-looping genre tends to attract. The added tension of another player out their hunting Colt alone will push others maximize on strategies, as PvP can often be way more dangerous than fighting regular AI enemies. However, that’s only half of what the introduction of Julianna Blake can teach the player for their own playthrough, as taking control of her can give even more opportunities.

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Playing as Julianna can give players the perspective from her positions to know how to counter other players attempting to invade and wipe Colt out. Though, that isn’t the full limit of how players can utilize their time in her shoes, especially if jumping into another player’s world who may have figured out a new strategy for eliminating targets. So, some players can likely expect some crowdsourcing in Deathloop, as some of the Julianna’s out their are really scoping out to see what the enemy Colt is doing to gather targets together.

In fact, swapping over to Julianna can be a more interesting way to figure out a way through a tough strategy or puzzle, by watching a Colt make it through the scenario and learn by example. There’s really no need for a walkthrough in this case, as players can learn from other players in real time by observing before killing the enemy before going back to try out the new strategy on their own. It’s a bit of a morbid way to look at Deathloop‘s features, but top assassins that can make the most out of the opportunities presented to them are bound to succeed.

Deathloop is set to release May 21st, 2021 for PC and PS5.

MORE: Deathloop Has the Potential to Be Ridiculously Immersive


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