Genshin Impact has been celebrating the winter in its own special ways, with multiple events and more having been introduced to the game since November. As January kicks off and players wind down from Albedo’s Chalk Prince and the Dragon event, all eyes are turning towards the game’s next five-star: “Plenilune Gaze” Ganyu.
Ganyu will be introduced in the near future as the next playable character in Genshin Impact, though her exact date of arrival is yet to be confirmed. She will be a five-star character, which means she’ll be among the rarest, and she wields a Cryo Vision alongside her bow and arrow.
Travelers have already gotten a fair look at Ganyu’s overall kit thanks to leaked images and text from the game’s closed beta test (CBT). However, the game’s developer miHoYo had yet to spend much official “promo time” on Ganyu until just recently. This is unsurprising, considering Ganyu is has only made relatively brief story cameos up until now. That being said, there are now a series of official Genshin Impact posts spotlighting the Liyue Qixing’s Emissary and Secretary, Ganyu.
The new material gives players an in-depth character profile of Ganyu and mainly consists of an extended official blog post on the game’s official website, as well as a short animation posted to YouTube by miHoYo. It includes short snippets of “thoughts on Ganyu” from characters like Xiangling, more than a few fun facts, and of course, a complete breakdown of the upcoming skills.
More importantly, though, this new material contextualizes a lot of the fragments of information players currently know about Ganyu, with information concerning her heritage and daily life as an example. Especially when watching the video, narrated by Ganyu herself, players are reminded that this quirky Cryo character is much more than a powerful archer.
As is mentioned at the top of miHoYo’s recent post and throughout much of Ganyu’s flavor text: “The blood of the Qilin, an illuminated beast, flows within her veins.” Specifically within the realm of Genshin Impact, Ganyu is supposed to be a human-Adeptus hybrid, with the Adeptus in question being a Qilin. However, those familiar with Chinese (or general East Asian mythology) may recognize the word and concept from elsewhere. In Chinese mythology, it’s known as a “Qilin,” while Japanese culture refers to the beast as a “Kirin.” Nevertheless, this mythological being has been depicted variably throughout history, but is generally speaking of a chimerical creature, often believed to exhibit scales, hooves, a horse-like body, and horns.
Sometimes, they’re depicted with a single horn, hence their association with unicorns. Notably, Ganyu herself bears two red and black horns and a large golden bell around her neck; her heels also resemble hooves. If players speak to the Liyue Wanmin Restaurant’s Chef Mao, they’ll learn that at least some locals assume the horns are a headdress.
Interestingly enough, Qilin are said to be incredibly gentle, caring creatures, which possess equally incredible destructive strength. However, they’re usually only depicted using their destructive abilities to defend innocents. Another particularly noteworthy qilin “fact” is that they appear just after the birth or passing of a great sage. Players who’ve been following Genshin Impact‘s main story may already be connecting the dots, but for those who haven’t yet seen the great Rite of Descension scene, rest assured: Ganyu’s entrance to the game apparently makes a good deal of sense in the grand scheme of things.

This recent series of Ganyu feature-posts also gave players a closer look at Ganyu’s personality. If players didn’t already know, Ganyu is officially affiliated with the Yuehai Pavilion in Liyue and is the Liyue Qixing’s official Secretary and Emissary.
Though this isn’t really a personality trait in and of itself, it seems that the job title is more than a job title to Ganyu. In fact, Ganyu’s job (as she describes it) is to honor her contract with Rex Lapis by “looking out for the interests of all living things in Liyue.”
Nonetheless, the point is plain and simple: Ganyu lives to work. As the ending of the video above alludes, this unicorn girl loves overtime and isn’t shy about asking her friends to lend a hand. She is personally responsible for all the meticulous bookkeeping and management that goes on behind the scenes of the Liyue Qixing and also feels responsible for enabling Liyue’s merchants and vendors to thrive. A busy, prosperous Liyue is a happy Liyue after all.

Like most of the playable characters in Genshin Impact, Ganyu bears several different titles. Admittedly, there’s not as many as other characters like Jean, the Dandelion Knight/Lionfang Knight/Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius/etc., but still, players may have heard Ganyu described as the following:
- Liyue Qixing’s Emissary
- Liyue Qixing’s Secretary
- Secretary of the Yuehai Pavilion
- Cocogoat
- Plenilune Gaze
The first three are rather self-explanatory, but the final two are almost inarguably mystifying. “Cocogoat” is essentially a small joke that evolved into a Genshin Impact tradition, and in short, it refers to how the character Qiqi adorably believes there to be a mythic “cocogoat” in Liyue, which players later realize is likely simply Ganyu.
This is partially due to Ganyu’s association with Liyue’s Glaze Lily flower. The flower will undoubtedly be one of her Character Ascension Materials, if not a necessity for her Talent level-ups. More notably, though, a different flower called the Qingxin Flower is apparently one of Ganyu’s all-time favorite snacks. Although they’re apparently bitter, Ganyu loves eating their petals so much that she fears that if they were to plant Qingxins in Liyue’s Yujing Terrace, she wouldn’t be able to resist eating them all. Another reason she may be seen as a “Cocogoat,” presumably.
Aside from this, Genshin Impact introduces Ganyu with the title “Plenilune Gaze.” This one is a bit trickier, simply because plenilune is a late 15th-century word that even dictionaries tend to neglect nowadays. “Plenilune” essentially means “at full moon,” and would theoretically be used like the word “midnight” or “afternoon.” So, if the meaning/usage still feels confusing, simply replace “plenilune” with a word like “midnight/afternoon/evening” to get a sense of the meaning— Plenilune Gaze would be like saying Midnight Gaze.
Genshin Impact is available now on Mobile, PC, and PS4, and is currently in development for PS5 and Switch.

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