Skyrim: 10 Questions We Still Have About Molag Bal | Game Rant

While The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is almost 10 years old, fans still regularly discuss the fifth entry in the series. But few discussions deserve as much attention as Molag Bal. The infamous God of Schemes and Domination. With his appearance in the popular Elder Scrolls Online, players want to know his involvement in the series.

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Voiced by Christopher Cory Smith, Molag Bal forces the Dragonborn to kill innocents throughout the quest “The House Of Horrors”. Leaving small hints to the Dragonborn of his plans, players have questions about the mysterious Molag Bal and his plans.

10 What Is He Planning?

If Molag Bal is the Daedric God Of Schemes, it would make sense if he had a plan. During the events of Elder Scrolls Online, his motives were clear. In Skyrim, however, his motives appear much more subtle than his previous attempt at domination. Considering he created Vampires, maybe his plan involved Lord Harkon’s takeover of Tamriel through the darkening of the sun. Though there is no obvious explanation to the god’s schemes, fans can contemplate as much as needed.

9 Why Is He So Weak?

During the questline “The House Of Horrors”, the Dragonborn encounters the shrine of Molag Bal. Dark, Cold, and empty, this shrine appears to be a long forgotten piece of Tamriel’s history. This appearance of Molag Bal’s shrine explains his current presence in Skyrim. With no obvious worshippers to do his bidding, it’s up to the Dragonborn to carry out the Daedric Prince’s demands. Though, these demands do not appear to do anything other than show Molag’s cruelty and his own desire to hurt Boethiah, the Daedric Prince of deceit.

8 How Many Followers Does He Have?

During the events of Elder Scrolls Online, Molag Bal commands armies of mortals and demons alike. Invading Tamriel with his Coldharbour Gates and the many powers of the creatures that reside there. This, fortunately, doesn’t appear to be the case during the events of the fifth installment. It is unclear if Molag Bal has followers in hiding, or has merely given-up on the mortals of Nirn. But with his Dragonborn follower to do his bidding, power does not seem to be far away for this Prince of Domination.

7 Who Built The Shrine In The Abandoned House?

What devilish worshipper created the shrine in the basement of the abandoned house? The shrine itself looks old, surrounded by rubble. Who worshipped Molag Bal in the abandoned house years ago? With little information given as to how the shrine came to reside there, players are left wondering for themselves. The only possible answer lies in two master vampires that can spawn inside the abandoned house, though this is not common. While many other shrines are given backstory throughout the game like the Shrine of Azura, Molag Bal’s presence remains a mystery to the people of Markarth.

6 Why Does Molag Bal Hate Boethiah?

Early on in the quest “The House Of Horrors”, Molag Bal tells the Dragonborn he wishes to take revenge on Boethiah. That is the extent to Molag Bal’s reasoning. Many players wonder what Boethiah did to Molag Bal. Boethiah, the Daedric Prince of Deceit, appears to be the nemesis of Molag Bal. This would make sense as their abilities often coincide with one another. While the rivalry seems quite passionate, these old gods may just be playing a simple game with each other.

5 Why Doesn’t He Invade?

During the events of Elder Scrolls Online, Molag Bal makes a devastating claim to Nirn. Using his dark anchors, he invades Tamriel and begins his domination. During the events of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Molag Bal appears as a pathetic spirit hellbent on obscure revenge. With the current state of Tamriel like the explosion of the Red Mountain, Thalmor Dominion controlling the Empire, and a bubbling civil war in Skyrim, it would be the perfect opportunity for Molag Bal to unleash himself upon Tamriel. Yet, perhaps, his schemes may just be too subtle for simple mortals to know.

4 Does He Control The Vampires?

Molag Bal, in lore, created the vampires from the droplet of blood from his brow. This resurrected the woman he kidnapped with dark powers and a newfound bloodlust. But, considering vampires are his creations, does he control those cursed with pale skin?

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During the Dawnguard questline, Serana refers to the Molag Bal Ritual as an extremely terrible experience. What happens to those Daughters of Coldharbour? Does Molag Bal take control of their souls for future use?

3 What Will He Do To The Dragonborn?

The Dragonborn, according to most players, makes deals with every Daedric Prince that winks at them. With Molag Bal asking the Dragonborn to punish souls with the use of his mace, what does Molag Bal plan for the legendary Dovahkin? The Prince of Domination could use a legendary warrior to do his bidding, just like many other Daedric princes throughout the game. With little choices to make during “The House of Horrors” questline, it appears the Dragonborn is more than likely to carry out Molag Bal’s bidding whether they are aware or not.

2 Why Is His Mace So Useless?

As many players noticed during their time in Skyrim, Molag Bal’s Mace is practically useless. Apart from the ability to steal souls, this mace offers little offensive advantage for those using the weapon. The Mace itself is scaled to meet the player at their own level.

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This, however, only ruins its effectiveness as most players will come across this questline fairly early in their playthroughs. Even for those at higher levels, Molag Bal’s mace hardly competes with the variety of powerful weapons given to players before obtaining the mace.

1 What Does He Gain?

Molag Bal is one of the most powerful Daedric Princes in The Elder Scrolls franchise. Cunning, intelligent, and driven, he is surely a force to be reckoned with. But his motives are not completely just. As a godly entity, what does Molag Bal gain from enslaving mortals? Fans know that Molag Bal is driven to dominate Tamriel but his reasons don’t make sense. For a creature with his own realm, monsters and minions to do his bidding, and the fashion sense of a sad turtle, what more would a demonic god need?

NEXT: Skyrim: 10 Things You Never Knew About Falmer


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