Warzone: 10 Things We Need To See On The New Map | Game Rant

The Warzone community is anxiously awaiting more news on the new Warzone map. Leaks suggest that the map will be located in the Ural Mountains, and include the fireteam dirty bomb maps from Cold War. The new map will have far more wilderness areas, and include only small buildings. The lack of large structures should encourage fast-paced gameplay. Players have been begging for a new map for months, and Rebirth Island was not the answer. The community is intrigued by the idea, and hopeful that the new map is even better than Verdansk.

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The developers at Raven should take notes from Infinity Ward’s map and include some features that were not included in Verdansk. The community may want a new map now, but Raven should make sure it is playable before prematurely releasing it and having to patch a series of glitches. There are still several glitches that need to be fixed in Verdansk, but players are optimistic that Raven will make the changes needed to keep the Warzone community engaged.

10 Interactive Environments

The new map should include realistic elements. For example, water that players can actually enter and swim in. Blackout was released two years ago with rivers and an ocean players could interact with. Adding in water features will introduce a new element to the gameplay, which many Blackout fans enjoyed. It is not too much to ask for rocks that can be mantled, and hopefully Raven creates an environment that feels real. Verdansk needed just a few additional features can make the experience more immersive.

9 New Vehicles

With different terrain, it would make sense to have new vehicles for players to use. It might be time to retire the helicopter, which is abused in early game situations. The semi truck might need to go as well, it has the worst hitbox of all the vehicles and is essentially indestructible. Raven can add dirt bikes, jet skis, and snowmobiles to the map. The new map is an open canvas, and players will look forward to a new host of vehicles.

8 Assailable Buildings

Warzone players know that there are several buildings in Verdansk that do not have a zipline, and enemies can camp until the final circle. The new map will be set in the Ural Mountains, so there will be far less multi-story buildings to occupy. Enemies should never feel safe in a building, and Raven can improve the gameplay be making it easier to take down enemies that try to hide until the end of the match.

7 Good Lighting And Contrast

Players that have experienced the lighting in Verdansk know that there are certain scenarios where enemies can hide in plain sight. Too much brightness and the sun’s glare will blind players, not enough brightness and enemies are invisible in dark areas.  Verdansk is a battlefield, but some of the buildings should have enough light to see enemies. Because the new map will take place in a heavily wooded area, the lighting should be optimized to make it easier to spot enemy players.

6 A New Gulag Experience

With numerous gunfight maps at their disposal, Raven can give players multiple different gulags with different guns and maps. The gulag system at launch was essentially the same map, with small differences depending on which gulag players were put in. Team gulags were teased before the Cold War integration, and players would like to see a new system on the new map.

5 New Casual Modes

After almost a year of plunder and Battle Royale, players want to have the option to play a more causal mode. Raven should look back at all of the fun modes that were added to Blackout from Black Ops 4.

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Warzone’s new and limited time modes have gotten better, but players should always have the option to play a mode that is not plunder or Battle Royale. Many players in the community want to play the game without aiming down sight at every window and slide canceling everywhere on the map.

4 Seasonal Changes

Blackout developers did a great job changing the map with each season and holiday. Sometimes, it is the small details that matter in a Battle Royale game. Infinity Ward added a night time mode in Warzone, but apart from that short event, the map has not changed since launch. Covering the map in snow during the winter, and leafless trees in the fall would make the game just a little bit better.

3 Easter Eggs

So far, Warzone has provided players with a number of Easter eggs to complete in Verdansk and Rebirth Island. However, many players remember how annoying the juggernauts were in Season 6. Essentially every lobby had at least one juggernaut, and the juggernaut teams one the majority of matches. Raven should include Easter eggs in the new map, but the juggernaut should stay out of the game.

2 In Game Rewards

Infinity Ward did a great job improving the store and Modern Warfare was extremely successful financially because of micro-transactions. However, not all players can afford to, or are willing to spend money on aesthetics in a video game.

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Warzone players should have a few items they can earn through performance and not in the battle pass. Challenges keep more players interested in playing the game. It would be amazing if players could get rewards for wins or kill records in game.

1 New Upgrades And Equipment

The Cold War Guns were integrated into Warzone, but not the equipment. If Raven can find a way to include some of the Cold War lethal and tactical items, player will have even more new items to experiment with. The most popular Modern Warfare equipment has not changed much in the past few seasons. The upgrades from Modern Warfare have grown stale and new upgrades would be a positive addition to the game. The possibilities for the developers at Raven are endless, and players are hopeful that the new map will include new items to test.

NEXT: Call Of Duty: Warzone – Best Loadouts for Battle Royale


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