Destiny 2 Players Use Insane Strat to 2 Phase DSC Raid Boss as 2 Hunters

As players continue to become more and more familiar with the latest raid to arrive in Destiny 2, more and more pro-level guardians are continuing to refine new strategies to overcome its bosses. In a recent case, two players managed to take a team of two of Beyond Light‘s new Hunter Revenants to wipe out the final boss of Deep Stone Crypt in only two damage phases.

The players who accomplished the feat are naturally, Gladd and Vendetta, two Destiny 2 streamers that already hold a number of accolades for pulling off some of the most difficult challenges in the game. In fact, many of the challenges, such as the recent two phase Taniks, The Abomination run, are ones that developer Bungie would have considered impossible when initially designing the raid.

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It wasn’t that long ago that Gladd and Vendetta beat Taniks with two Hunters for the first time, proving that the Warlock/Titan strategy wasn’t the only one that could handle the feat. However, this is a whole new beast entirely to craft a strategy that could do the same with one less damage phase, even at the disadvantage posed by playing the more difficult Hunter-only strategy. Altogether, the entire process took over 60 hours to nail down, culminating in the impressive display in the video below, which does contain explicit language for viewers to watch at their own discretion.

This may be the most difficult challenge to come to Destiny 2 yet, with intricate planning, testing, and precise execution being required in order to pull off the task of defeating the boss so quickly. The challenge requires a bit more than simply finding the best weapons for Deep Stone Crypt and jumping into the fight with one other player. There are countless variables to consider for when to fire off supers and what routes to take when picking up Tanik’s Nuclear Cores and when to head to Augmentation Terminals, all of which have to be attended to perfectly.

Bungie has left a number of challenges in Destiny 2 on its own for players to attempt while looking for completion bonuses, or just bragging rights. However, these often pale in comparison to the challenges that the player base puts onto themselves, with limited player runs of raids, or flawless dives into places like Deep Stone Crypt. That’s where players like Gladd and Vendetta come in, to smash records that the developer might not have thought possible and lead the way for the community to find new feats to overcome.

Destiny 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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