Fan Circumvents Cyberpunk 2077 Challenge With Impressive Parkour

There is a wonderful majesty to unleashing players upon a big open-world game, where the scope can sometimes lead to some magical jankiness. It’s a common function of any open-world RPG, and Cyberpunk 2077 is no different. With CD Projekt Red’s latest release promoting a “play your way” style for tackling missions, sometimes fans are able to use a bit of ingenuity to overcome intended obstacles.

In the most recent display of abusing Cyberpunk 2077‘s open-world AI, Redditor Avion619 figured out a way to avoid a chase mission. Through some focused jumps alongside some impressive timing, Avion619 was able to take an unintended ride, right to a mission’s big turning point.

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The specific mission where Avion619 performed the trick was “Dream On,” one of the more prominent and disturbing side jobs within the game. Dream On serves as the conclusion to the Peralez side job arc, available once players have completed the “I Fought The Law” side job. During “Dream On,” following a thorough apartment investigation, V is tasked with locating a nearby surveillance van. Once reached, the van will speed off and start a chase mission. While the intention of the designers is to get players to follow the van by car, Avion619 found it wasn’t a necessity.

After opting to choose the Double Jump cybernetic enhancement instead of Charge Jump, Avion619 was able to simply jump the wall and move past the gate. While this is a trick most players can easily able to pull off, the real magic comes from the next jump. As the van speeds towards the gate, positioning V in-between the two allows for a sneaky trip. By utilizing the double jump once again, Avion619 decided not to do the rational thing and jump over the van, but jump on it.

Usually, players standing atop any of Cyberpunk 2077‘s collection of vehicles would be thrown off instantly as the car pushes forward. What Avion619 discovered was that due to the van’s ominous antenna on the roof, it could be be used as a buffer of sorts. In the Redditor’s uploaded video, V is clearly jittering with the physics as the antenna blocks their way. The quest proceeds as usual, with Johnny Silverhand still chirping at V as the mission progresses. Avion619 didn’t show how far they were able to travel via this new method, but they definitely found their own way on this mission.

This most recent discovery comes as just another impressive feat by players able to break the game in ways the developers never intended. While sometimes it is through the player’s own tricks, other times it can stem from an unfortunate bug. These discoveries are likely to keep appearing despite the rapid drop in Cyberpunk 2077‘s player base. The game is still popular enough for players to uncover more wonderfully broken ways to finish the game.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available now on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Stadia, with PS5 and Xbox Series console versions in development.

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