Final Fantasy 14: Every Crafting And Gathering Job, Ranked By Value

There are a number of crafting and gathering jobs for players to pick up in Final Fantasy XIV. Each one provides a unique role in supplying the game’s markets and can influence the economy on some level. For most players however they are a source of useful gear and supplies to use on themselves.

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While the player will eventually become well versed in all jobs it is important to start with the right ones. The best job will depend on the player’s chosen class, but generally speaking there are some that are far superior to others when factoring in other players. Here are all of the crafting and gathering jobs ranked by what will be the most useful to the player.

11 Fisher

Fisher ranks at the bottom because its very niche to endgame content. For the majority of the game it’s a poor money maker compared to the others because few players are in the market for fish.

The other issue is that fish are only useful materials for Culinarians and Botanists. Taking time to fish when a player could run to the market is often a waste of time. Once in the endgame it becomes invaluable to Culinarians and Botanists for high end recipes, but until then the demand is non-existent.

10 Miner

The Miner job is useful for players who are looking to pursue Blacksmith, Armorer, or Goldsmith job paths. Mining can also be one of the most lucrative gathering activities in the game. Selling various Sands can net a few thousand Gil for savvy players who understand the markets.

That being said it’s a gather job which isn’t as useful or lucrative compared to crafting jobs. It’s also more useful for physically based classes which aren’t the most common among the fanbase.

9 Botanist

Botanist is the most useful gathering class in the game. It provides a variety of materials for Carpenters, Weavers, Culinarians, and Alchemists. Because of this the materials a Botanist can gather are almost always in demand.

Granted, it may not be as profitable as Miner, but it is more versatile and useful for personal consumption. It also caters to spellcasting-based classes which are the most popular among the fanbase meaning the demand will be steady in the early and middle parts of the game.

8 Armorer

Armorer is perhaps the least useful crafting job for players. The weapons and gear it produces are catered to physical based classes like Gladiators or Marauders. While there are many players that play these classes, there are far more in the spellcasting classes.

RELATED: Final Fantasy 14: Every Job, Ranked

Many of the Armorer’s production line also overlaps with the Blacksmith. This is an issue because the Blacksmith produces items that make it more useful to Armorer. As a result, Armor is perhaps the least useful crafting class, unless of course the player intends to use its skills for their personal class only.

7 Carpenter

Carpenters cater to the Archer and Bard niche by building bows. It’s the only crafting class that can do so and the game is rather stingy with good bows which makes it a handy job. It can also produce staves which are useful for the popular Conjurer class.

Aside from these two niches the Carpenter can also produce Fishing Poles and furniture. Fishing isn’t a terribly popular pastime among players and furniture is only useful to home builders. It caters to a niche market which can be lucrative, but if the player isn’t a Conjurer or Archer there are far better choices.

6 Blacksmith

Blacksmiths are great for anyone playing as a Pugilist, Gladiator, or Marauder as they directly craft their gear like Greatswords. Those classes are also fairly common meaning there will be a consistent demand for Blacksmiths.

The other benefit to this job is that they can craft tools for all Disciples of Hand, except for the Weaver. This means they’ll have a steady demand from other crafters and gatherers in the game. So even if the player isn’t one of the earlier mentioned classes they’ll still find plenty of use and a sizable customer-base.

5 Leatherworker

Leatherworkers have the benefit of being able to produce something for everyone in the game. That being said their primary customer base will be the Disciples of War classes. That encompasses a large number of players from various class types.

They don’t cater as much to the spellcasting niche like Summoners which means the largest customer base will be hit and miss for a Leatherworker. Still it’s a great job for the beginning and mid game and will serve most players well.

4 Weaver

Weaver is perhaps the best armor crafting job in the game as they produce items for the popular spellcasting classes. This means there will be a large demand throughout the game and serves the player well if they are a magic user.

The other nice perk of being a weaver is that every class can use their goods. Granted most warrior types will quickly move on to metal-based armor, but a Weaver can serve beginning characters very well with solid items.

3 Goldsmith

By far the best gear-based crafter is the Goldsmith. This is because every class in the game uses jewelry as they provide helpful bonuses and aren’t usually class-specific. This means the player can produce items to beginners, mid-gamers, and endgame veterans.

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Admittedly the usefulness of this job drops off a bit in the endgame. This is largely because players will start to obtain powerful items they don’t need to readily replace. So Goldsmiths tend to be major money makers for midgame and see sales drop off towards the end when everyone is fully geared with the best there is.

2 Culinarian

Culinarians are a powerful job for the endgame. This is because when players have maxed out their gear slots the only way to further nudge their power is through consumables. As a result, high level Culinarians will start to see a growing demand for high end recipes.

Even in the midgame players with deeper pockets will start looking for little advantages in combat and food is a great way to do that. The only reason this isn’t the best job in the game is that food has its limits and there isn’t much demand for low level food items that are plentiful and cheap at merchants.

1 Alchemist

By far the best crafting job in the game is the Alchemist. They’re similar to Culinarians in that they produce consumables that boost players’ abilities. The only difference is that the potions and other goods they produce are far more useful and varied.

It’s a rough job in the beginning and the experience growth is slow, but as the player reaches the mid game they see demand for their services skyrocket as everyone is chugging their products. For endgame Alchemists there is a staggering market for high end potions and not enough Alchemists to serve that need. The potions they can craft can also turn the tide in war for personal use. It’s strongly recommended to be a Botanist if pursuing this path.

NEXT: Final Fantasy XIV: 10 Tips For Leveling Crafting Classes


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