Justice League Actor Confirms Role As Martian Manhunter

Despite all the confusion and uncertainty regarding the development of the Justice League film, one thing is certain: quite a bit of material was left on the cutting room floor. During the project’s rough development cycle, a lot of Zack Snyder’s original film was reshot and tweaked to attempt a course correct after Batman V. Superman. Now that the Snyder Cut is on its way to HBO Max, however, more cameos and appearances are being confirmed left and right.

Not only will there be a huge amount of previously unseen footage in the new version of the film, but there will also be several entirely new scenes. So far some characters who are confirmed to have new footage will be Deathstroke, Hippolyta, Darkseid, and Jared Leto’s Joker. This is all on top of the additional scenes being given to the Justice League themselves.

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All added up, the new Justice League is supposedly around 4 hours long and will release in four installments of about an hour apiece. Warner Bros. is certainly sparing no expenses, and presumably, the company hopes the exclusive offering will be a significant draw that convinces more fans to sign up for HBO Max and stick around for future content.

For those already interested in the Snyder Cut, the deal just got sweeter, too. Actor Harry Lennix has recently confirmed that in Snyder’s version of the film, he will be playing Martian Manhunter, a classic DC character who was intended to appear in Snyder’s vision for the franchise, but was cut.

When the actor was initially cast for Man of Steel, he had no idea that his character was intended to become the Martian Manhunter. With the reshoots for Justice League, however, he has finally been told, and able to reveal, that the character will be appearing in the film as Snyder had originally intended.

While it’s still not clear just how large a role he will have in the film, it’s nice that Lennix and Snyder were able to finally get the character on screen as they had hoped to. Though Snyder’s version of the DC universe may not exist going forward, it will at least go out with a bang, bringing to life everything the director had wanted to craft in his big team up superhero film.

Zack Snyder’s Justice League will release on HBO Max in March of 2021.

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Source: Collider


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