Overwatch Glitch Causes Players to Fall off Winter Hanamura Map

Overwatch has always been receptive to the changing seasons, embracing the occasional timely makeover per map. As of late, Overwatch capture point map Hanamura has not only donned its winterized mantle, but adopted a particularly unfortunate bug that has a handful of players branding the map unplayable.

As the Winter Wonderland 2020 event winds down, making way for Overwatch’s latest mini-event: The Kanezaka Challenge, some holiday-dressed maps have lingered with the lower temperatures. Though the notion that the map team had intentionally sought to emulate the slickness of an ice-encrusted ledge immediately behind the first capture point overlooking the largest fall hazard on Hanamura is doubtful.

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The issue documented in its entirety by Redditor Stickyyo, who showcases the problem parapet and their inability to cross along the edge of what is normally a functional and walkable ledge. Savvy players will recognize that upon stepping into the problem area, the ground adopts the slickness of certain terrain used on roofs across several other maps. Unable to secure stable footing, any inattentive players defending the capture point, logically snipers and other heroes who enjoy operating from the backline may find themselves wrongfully sliding to their deaths, detracting from the fun of the seasonal map.

Despite Overwatch’s popularity going strong even as the shadow of the release of Overwatch 2 looms nearer, the veteran team of developers has been prone to include the occasional glitch. Usually benign, although sometimes severe enough to disable a character, the ongoing dialogue the developers share with their fans via Reddit and other avenues of social media enable prompt fixes and rapid awareness to issues impossible to catch with even a dedicated playtesting team. While annoying for the time being, the discovery of such glitches and their reporting promotes the health of both the game and the community.

At this time, there persists a great deal of mystery surrounding the nuts and bolts of what will differentiate Overwatch 2 at its core from its predecessor. While new maps are a given, it stands to reason that a lot of the DNA of the original will stay present in the updated team-based shooter. Whether or not this results in an ultimately familiar experience or something truly innovative, improving upon the carefully honed formula that earned Overwatch its accolades and legitimacy in the competitive scene, one has to wonder if there will still be a place for some of the more harmless and fun kinds of glitches that crop up on occasion.

Overwatch is available now for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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