The strongest Viking in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is only as powerful as their weapon allows them to be. Whether that weapon is a shield, a bow, or a throwing axe, the choice of weapon heavily impacts combat in the game. One of the most powerful weapons in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is a legendary relic that was once wielded by Odin, the most prominent figure in Norse mythology.
While most of the weapons in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla are seemingly just regular weapons, there are several that come with mighty boosts. Some of these, like the Petra’s Arc Predator Bow, are unique and more powerful than most of the other weapon choices. One of these unique items is Gungnir, the spear wielded by Odin himself. Players can get their hands on this mythical weapon, but it might take a while.
Gungnir will likely end up being one of the last weapons that players collect in the game. Players must first finish the entire main storyline in order to get access this powerful spear in Valhalla. This includes all story arcs in England but does not include the Asgard story. Once players get the quest “A Brother’s Keeper,” they can head to the spear’s location. As a note, they don’t need to actually complete this quest in order to get Gungnir. As long as the player goes to a specific cave for this quest, they can return to it once they are able to fully roam once more.

The mighty spear of Odin is located in Hordafylke, almost directly south of the name on the map. Players must climb up some snowy cliffs to an intersection. The path to the right will take them back to the cave they were previously visiting. There will be a frozen lake with three bears and an ice wall. Shooting the ice wall with an arrow will reveal the passage behind. Players must simply follow this passage to the end and there will be glowing light coming from a crack in the wall. Eivor can fit through the crack and claim the glowing spear embedded in the rock.
Unfortunately, Gungnir does not summon Odin’s wolves to Eivor. The spear does come with a useful perk that extends the reach of attacks. This means that players can fight effectively while also keeping some distance from enemies. In addition, Gungnir cannot be upgraded but its stats can be levelled up three times, making it even more powerful.
The most unfortunate part of acquiring Gungnir is that the player will have already completed most of the base game in order to reach it. This means that there won’t be a ton left in the world to even make use of the spear. Hopefully Eivor has not hunted down all of the Order of the Ancients members, or collected all of the scattered wealth, or any of the many side stories that players can complete. With a spear as powerful and mythical as this one, it needs to be put to good use somewhere.
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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